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Fortified Vs Enriched: What's The Difference?
Breakfast cereals are usually fortified with iron

The terms “fortified” and enriched” are very common labeling terms when talking about nutrients. They are usually read on labels of food products such as breakfast cereals, fruit juices, baked goods, and dairy products. Some people believe they are the same thing. Well, kind of— they both mean the addition of nutrients in food. But there is a difference.

Here it is.


Fortification means the practice of deliberately adding an essential micronutrient, which was not originally there. Generally, fortification is done to increase the intake of a micronutrient deficient in the diet of a certain population. Currently, fortification has more applications in developing countries, where micronutrient deficiency is more widespread.

Fortification started in the early 1920s when iodine was first added to salt to treat goiter, a prevalent health problem back then in the United States. Today, iodized salt is a common product of fortification to fight iodine deficiency. Although Americans are now iodine-sufficient, iodine deficiency is still global concern. In fact, an approximate 2 billion people are iodine-deficient.


Low vitamin D intake is also common not only in developing countries, but in developed ones as well. In the U.S., 42% of the population is vitamin D-deficient. Although most vitamin D that we get is from exposure to sunlight, it is oftentimes not enough. In fact, today, Americans get most of this micronutrient in fortified foods, particularly milk, which is naturally low vitamin D.

Vitamin-D fortified milk was first produced in 1933. This was when the working children lacked a healthy diet and exposure to sunlight. A lifestyle like this would lead to Rickets, a skeletal disease in which the bones soften and deform as a result of lack of vitamin D intake.

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At acidic pH levels, whey is soluble. Because of this, whey protein is ideal in boosting the level of proteins of acidic beverages that fall as sport drinks. And since it is hydrophilic and capable of binding a lot of water, it does not precipitate at its iso-electric point, unlike most proteins. Bakeries also use whey protein in their baked products.


While fortification talks about the mere addition of micronutrients, enrichment, on the other hand, refers to the addition and replacement of nutrients lost during processing. Nearly all processing methods decrease the amount of nutrients in food. The actual level of reduction varies, depending on several factors. Processes that involve exposure of food to elevated temperature, oxygen, and light result in more losses. Because of this, processed foods such as bread, milk, and pasta are common subjects for enrichment.

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Wheat flour is commonly enriched with B vitamins
Wheat flour is commonly enriched with B vitamins

In flour milling, micronutrients suffer heavy losses. This is because milling is one stressful process, particularly during refining, in which removing the bran and germ, while leaving only the white endosperm, results in a significant decline in nutrients, particularly in B-vitamins and minerals.

To label as enriched flour, respective levels of micronutrients must be attained back.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a pound of enriched flour should contain at least 2.9 mg of thiamin (B1), 1.8 mg of riboflavin (B2), 24 mg of niacin (B3), 0.7 mg of folic acid (B9), and 20 mg of iron. Some manufacturers also add other vitamins, zinc, and calcium at levels beyond or not present originally in the grain.

The U.S. first fortified flour and bread with iron and vitamins at the start of the Second World War to build strong, and healthy armies.

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Nowadays, fortification of white rice with vitamins and minerals is more common. One way to do this is by coating the grains with thiamin and niacin in powder form. After this, waterproofing and drying follow. Then the grains are coated again with iron and then dried once more.


Australia and New Zealand

In Australia, the addition of folic acid in bread is mandatory. Leafy greens, asparagus, citrus fruits, and broccoli are rich in this micronutrient. It aids in healthy growth and development, particularly in babies during pregnancy. While most types of bread covers this fortification rule, organic bread and breads based on rice, corn or rye are an exception. Another country in Oceania, New Zealand, has chosen for a voluntary fortification standard for folic acid in baked products.

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The Philippines

The nutribun is a fortified bread to combat malnutrition in the Philippines. Sometimes local ingredients such as moringa, squash, and banana are also added
The nutribun is a fortified bread to combat malnutrition in the Philippines. Sometimes local ingredients such as moringa, squash, and banana are also added

In the Philippines, the government has set the mandatory fortification of food products that are consumed on a daily basis. Currently, the available products of fortification include iron-fortified rice, vitamin A and iron-fortified wheat flour (pandesal), iron-fortified refined sugar, and vitamin A-fortified cooking oil. Depending on future nutrition-based national surveys, more staple foods will be set as a subject for fortification.

Using the Sangkap Pinoy Seal Program (SPSP), the government also encourages manufacturers to fortify their products with essential nutrients. Although SPSP is voluntary, manufacturers must follow the standard set by the Department of Health (DOH).

African nations

Africa, specifically the sub-Saharan Africa, accounts for over half of malnutrition globally. Studies have shown that food fortification is an effective way of mitigation.

Since Africa has more native grains (wheat flour, maize flour, and rice) than any other continent, they are the main focus of the food fortification programs in the region.

27 African countries have set the mandatory fortification of wheat flour. And mandatory fortification of maize flour is also in effect in 10 of these countries.

The countries of the Democratic Republic of Congo, The Gambia, Lesotho, Namibia, Sierra Leone, and Swaziland voluntarily fortify the majority of their industrially milled wheat flour. In Lesotho and Namibia, more than half of their production of maize flour is fortified, although it is not mandatory.


In Vietnam, the staple foods, including salt, wheat flour, and vegetable oil are a part of the national mandatory food fortification program. The minerals iodine, iron, zinc, and vitamin A are essentials that the WHO figured to be of concern. Iodine deficiency is particularly high in the given population. The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey of 2011 revealed that only 45% of the households consume iodized salt, far below the global recommendation of 90% based on the universal salt iodisation. Zinc deficiency is also very high among children (69%) and pregnant women (80%). Individuals with low zinc in their diet have increased risk of growth retardation and weak immune system.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, the mandatory fortification of white flour with micronutrients, including calcium, iron, vitamins B (thiamine and niacin) has been in effect since the 1940s, in the beginning of WWII, to address the common micronutrient deficiencies in the region back then. Margarine is also fortified with vitamin A and D.

Are you a part of a manufacturing industry? For more on food fortification, refer to this WHO guidelines.

Other references:

V. Vaclavik, E. Christian. (2013). Essentials of Food Science (4th Edition). Springer, New York

Mayo Clinic, University of California, and Dole Food Company. (2002). Encyclopedia of Foods. Elvisier

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Best Before Date Vs Expiry Date: How Do Manufacturers Figure These Out? Tue, 13 Jul 2021 18:33:59 +0000 Better understanding of date labels of food products minimizes food waste. Here is the difference between best before date and expiry date

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Best Before Date Vs Expiry Date

Best before date and expiry date, aside from the manufacturing date are important date label information on food products. The practice of putting these essential information started a long time ago. But even if this is the case, a lot of consumers are still confused between best the before date and the expiry date; they think both of these terms mean the same. In fact, a 2013 study revealed that 90% of Americans prematurely discard edible foods because of date labelling confusion. The European Union also experiences the same issue. And because of this, the European Commission will propose for the revision of EU rules on date marking. Doing so will prevent food waste linked to misunderstanding and/or misuse of best before date and expiry date.

According to Food and Agriculture of the United Nations (FAO), 1/3 of all foods produced globally goes to waste. That is around 1.3 billion tonnes per year! And it will not come as a surprise if a huge portion of this was a result of confusion between these labeling terms.

Well, anyway. Best before date and the expiry date, what exactly is the difference between them?

It’s simple.

Best before date simply refers to food quality, while the expiry date pertains to food safety.

Let’s further discuss this. (We’ll also see how manufacturers figure these dates out).


Best before date, or best before end, is the most common term on packaged food products. Although may be confusing to some, best before date refers to the last day the product is at its best quality. After the specified date on the label, its flavor, texture, odor, freshness, and even the nutrients may start to decline or change. Commonly, food manufacturers pick the best before date well before the product is expected to spoil. Basically, foods that have a shelf life longer than 90 days do not require a best before date on the label. And therefore, it is up to the manufacturer if they want to add one.

For this reason, some suggest to completely ignore these dates on the label. And to tell you the truth, most dates on the labels are not even entirely based on science.

Proper storing of food items is the main key to preserve the quality. Most manufacturers add a storage instruction on the label for the consumer to follow. If you have food items in the pantry or kitchen cabinet that are past their best best date, it is advisable to consume them immediately once opened. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises to check and examine food for any signs of spoilage. If the foods have a noticeable change in color, consistency or texture, it is better to avoid them.

Here’s a question:

Do stores pull out products that are past their best before date?

Maybe or maybe not. And it is not illegal.

Although these products are on the decline in terms of their sensory characteristics and nutrition, this does not mean they are no longer safe to consume.

To make the most of their stock, stores normally drop prices on products that are near or past their best before date. This strategy is commonly used during the holiday season to increase sales.

Another term that guides stores is the similar term, sell-by date.

What is sell-by date?

Sell-by date applies generally to packaged and fresh foods that are commonly consumed a few days after buying. It is the recommended last day of displaying the product for sale. Similarly, items past their sell-by date may start to lose quality. And pulling out the product after the sell-by date is not a requirement by law. Hence, it is not illegal to sell items past its best before date.

In the European Union, selling or marketing products after their best before date is not prohibited, provided that the condition is safe and the appearance is not misleading. 

Further reading: Food Safety At The Grocery Store

To get the freshest in stock, learning the basic stock rotation employed by grocery stores is key. Usually, store staff place new items to the back of the shelf while moving the oldest batch to the front. This practice ensures the fresh items get purchased last. But to hack the system, simply reach the item on back of the shelf.


While best before date refers to food quality, expiry date, on the other hand, refers to food safety. It tells the consumer the last date the food is fit for consumption. Eating food that is past its expiration has a greater risk for developing foodborne illness. While expiry dates may sound stricker, using the term varies in some countries.

In Canada, expiry dates only apply to foods that have strict compositional and nutritional specifications, which might not be met past the expiry date. These products include formulated liquid diets, formulated food as a meal replacement, nutritional supplements, foods represented for use in a very low-energy diet, and infant formula.

Infant formula
Expiry date labeling is a requirement for infant formula in The United States and Canada

In the United States, federal laws do not require date labels. But infant formula is an exception. Under inspection by the FDA, federal regulations require a “Use-By” date on the product label of infant formula. The manufacturer, packer, or distributor chooses the use-by date on the basis of product analysis and other information, and the conditions of handling, storage, preparation, and use provided on the label.

Consumption of infant formula by its use-by date guarantees that the quantity of each nutrient is not less than the declared on the label. The FDA has provided a complete labeling guide for infant formula here.

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In the European Union, the use-by date is used for highly perishable products such as meats, seafood, and dairy products.

In Hong Kong, manufacturers use the use-by label instead of best before. This applies for highly perishable food items like packed egg and ham sandwich, pasteurized milk, etc.


Manufacturers start to determine the dates during product development through shelf life testing. The main objective of this test is to determine the rate of changes in the product. These changes are periodically checked by testing retention samples at various points (every 30 days for example). A typical shelf life study includes; sensory and physical test, which mainly involve sensory evaluation or taste taste; microbiological test, which detects, identifies, and enumerates the microorganisms; and chemical test (physico-chemical analyses such as acidity level, and moisture content).

These tests answers questions such as the following.

  • Sensory and physical – Has the taste changed? Has it become soft?  Has the appearance changed? Is the product acceptable still (say on day 60 of observation)?
  • Microbiological – Has the microbial population (say on day 30) exceeded the allowable limit? Is it too high for safety?
  • Chemical – At what point significant decline in nutrients starts? Have the fats become rancid? Has the acidity increased greatly?

The behavior of these parameters or attributes during the study is interconnected. Like for example, increased microbial activity during the later stage of the study may result in the development of off-flavors and odors, discoloration, decreased viscosity (in sauces), and other changes.

The criteria of end of shelf life vary, depending on the food. But more commonly, it is attributed by the increased level of spoilage microorganisms. Other easily detectable changes (such as taste, odor, color) are also considered.

After the end of the study, manufacturers can then set the expiry date based on the established longest possible storage time. Commonly, they choose the expiry date long before the actual product testing indicated. Unfortunately, there is not a standard for this, and companies set date labels at their own discretion.

Check out this document for more on shelf life study.

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Food Irradiation: Everything You Need to Know Thu, 01 Jul 2021 13:43:08 +0000 By using ionizing radiation, food irradiation is an effective way to destroy harmful microorganisms and extend the shelf life.

The post Food Irradiation: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on The Food Untold.

Food Irradiation: Everything You Need to Know

Food irradiation is commonly known as one of the many ways of prolonging the shelf life of food. However, backed by decades of research, this technology is also effective in: inhibition of sprout development in certain crops, delaying ripening in fruits, and sterilization of packaging materials, to name a few. Aside from its versatility, the operating cost, and energy requirement are relatively low, and the procedure is automatically controlled.

However, the high capital cost necessary in building an irradiation facility is holding this technology back. The initial investment cost typically ranges between $1 million up to $5 million. Another is the slow consumer acceptance due in large part of the potential negative effects. These are the reasons why food irradiation is not yet widely practiced. In fact, only  30% of all the countries worldwide have at least 1 irradiation treatment facility. While some are still in pilot stage. And to add to that, a large portion of irradiated food do not even enter international trade.

And if you are wondering, food irradiation is not a novel technology.


Food irradiation began in the late 19th century. In 1896, Henri Becquerel, a French physicist, accidentally discovered radioactivity. In the same year, a German medical journal published an article that described how ionizing radiation could kill pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. Then in 1905, a joint U.S.-British project released a patent describing how ionizing radiation can destroy harmful microorganisms in food.  Other studies on food irradiation followed in the 20th century.

Food irradiation as a means of preservation started in the 1920s after a French scientist found out its effectiveness.

But significant developments occurred in the 1940s, when researchers believed that it could potentially help preserve food used by the military. To ensure its safety and effectiveness to preserve, researchers conducted a series of experiments with various food items like fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish.

During the 1950s to 60s, the US Army conducted research involving low and high dose irradiation of military rations. This prompted other countries to start researching and using the technology in the 1970s.

In 1958,  the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which administered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), defined the sources of radiation for use in food processing. These are gamma rays (Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137), x-rays, and electronic beams. Gamma rays are more known as a treatment for cancer. X-rays, like we all know, is also used in processing internal structures. And electron beams are high-energy electrons propelled into the food.

Today, at least 55 countries use food irradiation, including Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Canada, and the United States. Some other countries are still at the pilot stage of food irradiation technology due in large part of the high cost necessary for building a food irradiation facility.


A food irradiation facility set up
A food irradiation facility set up.

Food irradiation basically involves the use of ray of light or ionizing radiation that passes through a window. The desired dose is achieved by indirect contact with the  radioactive source for a certain period of time.

There has to be a barrier to prevent the escape of ionizing radiation to utilize it to the maximum and allow a uniform dose. The barrier also protects the operator from exposure to radiation.

The most common source of radiation commercially is gamma rays because of its several advantages. First, its water solubility minimizes the environmental contamination. Second, the process requires low energy. And lastly, the change in nutritional value is comparable to other methods of conservation.

By irradiating food, the reactive ions that have been produced alter the structure of the cell membrane and affect the metabolic enzyme activity. This effectively kills or injures the microorganism. And more importantly, they render the DNA and the ribonucleic acid molecules no longer able to support reproduction by cell division.

However, like other preservation methods, the effect and strength of irradiation vary. The rate of destruction of cells depends on the rate of ions produced and interaction with the DNA. While the reduction of the number of cells depends on the radiation dose.

Some organisms have the ability to repair the damaged DNA, while some possess high resistance to radiation. Because they can form spores, bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum and Bacillus cereus are more resistant to radiation than non-spore forming and vegetative cells. The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is one example of microorganisms that are resistant to ionizing and ultraviolet radiation. For this reason, the resistance of the organism to radiation is one thing that dictates the radiation dose.


The radiation dose is the amount energy absorbed per unit weight of a substance (food). An equipment called dosimeter can measure the amount of absorbed radiation in a substance. Internationally, gray (gy) is the unit used to describe the amount of dose absorbed, while the United States, on the other hand, uses the unit rad. 1 gray is equivalent to 100 rads.

The maximum overall average dose of 10 kGy (kilogray) is adequate for most applications. However, 10 kGy is considered insufficient to reach sterility of foods that require high dose such as food for NASA and patients with weak immunity. This was covered in the report regarding the wholesomeness of food irradiation with doses above 10 kGy. The review led to the revision of the Codex General Standard.

Currently, the maximum absorbed dose delivered to a food should not exceed 10 kGy, except when necessary to achieve a legitimate technological process.

Dose levels are categorized into three:

  • Low dose (< 2 kGy) – Delay of ripening in fruits and inhibition of sprouting in vegetables.
  • Medium dose (1 to 10 kGy) – Reduction of microbial population (pathogens).
  • High dose (>10 kGy) – Sterilization of product and packaging material.
Control of moldsExtended storage of fresh fruits2-5
Control of parasitesPork0.1-6
Destruction of pathogensFrozen meat and poultry, seafoods, spices2.5-10
DisinfestationDry foods, flour, beans, grain, fruits0.1-2
Delay ripening and senescenceClimacteric fruits like apples and bananas0.30-1.5
Extended chill life (0-4 °C) from 5 days to 1 monthFresh fish, meat, and soft fruits2-5
Inhibition of sproutingTubers and bulbs such as garlic, onions, potatoes0.1-0.2
Sterilizationfood for people with special diet, astronauts44.0
Sterilization of packaging materialsWine corks, polyolefin film10-60


Food irradiation is commonly associated with food preservation. By inactivating or destroying insects, molds, bacteria, and other biological contaminants, the shelf life extended. Over the years, it has also saved the food industry from massive economical losses through other purposes. 

Destruction of pathogens, sterilization, and food preservation

The main use of radiation in food is to prolong the shelf life of food by preservation. Irradiation makes it possible for long-term storage of food items like meat, fish, poultry and other perishables even without refrigeration. In 1990, the FDA approved the use food irradiation to control pathogens that cause food poisoning. The below table provides the D-values of some important pathogenic bacteria.

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Escherichia coli2-42-4Beef
L. monocytogenes0.452-4Chicken
Salmonella sp.0.38-0.770Chicken
Staphylococcus aureus0.360Chicken
Clostridium botulinum (spores)3.56-30Chicken
High radiation dose is required for irradiated foods consumed by NASA astronauts
High radiation dose is required for irradiated foods consumed by NASA astronauts. Photo via NASA

Relatively low radiation doses are sufficient to destroy yeasts, molds, and non-spore forming bacteria, and therefore increase the shelf life. Bacteria that survive the irradiation process are more susceptible to high heat. Combining irradiation and heat treatment is more beneficial in reducing the microbial population.

Space foods are specially designed for astronauts while in space. One of these are foods preserved by irradiation. Typical irradiated foods served for NASA astronauts require high dose to achieve sterility. This allows them to consume food without risk of food poisoning during long travel in space.

Foods are a source of infection. For patients, even non-pathogenic microbes may cause them problems. This is especially true for neutropenic patients and those who undergo chemotherapy. Because of this, patients with weak or impaired immune system may be given sterilized food by irradiation.

Inhibition of sprouting and insect infestation

Ionizing radiation can inhibit sprouting in potatoes.
Ionizing radiation can inhibit sprouting in potatoes.

Sprouting is one of the many problems farmers face, especially during post-harvest. This  is especially true for those who cultivate tubers (potatoes) and bulbs such as onions and garlic. When sprouting is beginning to manifest, the starch and protein degrades affecting the overall quality of the crop. And this eventually leads to economical loss. Before, processors relied on chemical treatment to prohibit sprout development. However, researches proved that that ionizing radiation at low doses is an effective and better way of inhibiting sprouting. The FDA approved the use of ionizing radiation to delay sprouting in white potatoes in 1964.

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Insect infestation is a bigger problem in farming than sprouting in certain crops. It affects a wider range of produce and these include cereals, coffee beans, grains, dried nuts, dried fruits, cereals, and spices. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), insect infestation accounts for up to 40% of the losses in global crop production annually. And to add to that, these insects usually induce food-borne diseases also. In 1963, the FDA approved the use of ionizing radiation to control insect infestation in wheat and flour. To minimize and reduce infestation, a low dose of around 0.1-2 kGy is generally sufficient to achieve this. Irradiation destroys tape worms such as Trichinella at a dose of 0.3 kGy and Toxoplasma gondii at a dose of 0.25 kGy.

Food irradiation is a good alternative to fumigants and pesticides, which are potentially hazardous to the environment. Unlike food irradiation, these chemicals usually leave residues that tend to pollute the soil, ground water, and the air.  One notorious pesticide is methyl bromide, which also damages the ozone layer.

Delay of ripening and senescence

This shows how effective food irradiation is in fruit
This shows how effective food irradiation is in fruits

Some fruits and vegetables continue to ripen after harvest. Growers intentionally delay this process to minimize losses during transport, storage, and even after purchasing the product. Climacteric fruits and vegetables such as mangoes, apples, and tomatoes are particularly susceptible to damage. For radiation-reduced delay of ripening and senescence, producers must harvest their produce right before the onset of ripening.

For fruits, low dose is ideal. Generally, the required dose for effective suppression of ethylene production range between 0.30-1.5 kGy. However, the dose of radiation depends on the composition of the product.  One reason why is tissue susceptibility. While some fruits can withstand doses of  0.6 kGy or greater, most cannot. At 0.6 kGy or higher, most fruits experience adverse effects to cellulose,hemicellulose, pectins, and starch, which may lead to softening.

This study found out that radiation dose of 0.2 kGy can effectively delay the ripening process in bananas. However, the researchers observed adverse effects such as extensive tissue damage, color change, and increased respiration rate at 0.4 kGy or more.

One way to effectively lower the radiation dose is by combination irradiation with modified atmosphere packaging. However, this should only be done for ripe fruits since the ripening process is inhibited. Irradiation of certain fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and strawberries extends their shelf life 2 to 3 times, especially when the storage temperature is at 50 °F (10 °C).

Sterilization of packaging materials

Irradiated foods often come pre-packaged  prior to irradiation to avoid recontamination of the produce. Radiation can penetrate the packaging material. But because of this, the integrity of the packaging might be affected, which may lead to the formation of low molecular weight hydrocarbons and halogenated polymers. For example, a radiation dose past maximum may cause browning and evolution of hydrogen chloride in PVC.

The migration of these compounds into food is likely. To prevent risks, the concerned agency (FDA in the United States), must evaluate and approve the packaging material, as well as adhesive and printing material involved before use.

It is ideal that the packaging material can withstand stress due to high radiation doses as well as low temperature (down to -40° C). This is to ensure that the material remains impermeable to moisture, microorganisms, and other contaminants.

When irradiating food packaging, a high dose is typically necessary, with strength ranging between 10 kGy up to 60 kGy to maintain the sterility of the product. For the list of packaging materials and their respective maximum dose, you may check it on the FDA website.


It is so normal for almost anyone to think negatively whenever they hear the word “radiation”. Well, it is a common knowledge that exposure to radiation may lead to discomfort and even long-term health effects such as cancer. For this reason, consumer groups have voiced against the use of radiation to treat foods. But what is the truth? Is food irradiation different and safe?

Change in sensory characteristics

Low radiation dose can extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables

Do irradiated foods differ in terms of sensory quality?

Well, according to the FDA, irradiation does not change the food’s texture, taste, and appearance. However, even though the process is minimal, noticeable changes may occur depending on the radiation dose and temperature and the food itself.

Here are a couple of studies.

This 2017 Brazillian study determined the influence of irradiation using gamma rays on the physical and sensory properties of two rice cultivars. The study involved doses up to 5 kGy. While the lowest dose of 1 kGy received good acceptability, other samples received lower scores due to undesirable yellowing, and the development of burnt and bitter taste.

This 2019 study evaluated the sensory, physicochemical, and the shelf life effect of irradiation on strawberries at doses of 0.5 and 1 kGy. Gamma radiation at 1.0 kGy resulted in loss in weight and firmness, thus accelerated aging. But gamma radiation at 0.5 kGy did not affect the sensory properties and maintained color and taste until the 10th day of observation. The shelf life of control samples was 7 days.

While many fruits and vegetables respond positively to irradiation at appropriate doses, not all are suitable for the treatment. Some react to the process adversely and exhibit undesirable changes in taste, texture, and color, hence limits consumer acceptability. The time of harvest and physiological state also affect the outcome of the treatment. For example, some fruits such as strawberries do not develop the desirable ripe color if irradiated before are they ripe.

Effects on nutritional value

Food irradiation is a cold process. Therefore, nutrients that are lost are significantly less than those other methods that involve elevated temperature such as canning and pasteurization. Even in high-dose irradiation, the nutrient loss is very mineral, and even comparable to other methods of preservation such as freezing. The losses in nutrient are even lower in low-dose irradiation.

Extensive researches have shown that the macronutrients carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are barely affected by irradiation at usual doses. Similarly, minerals that include calcium, phosphorus, and iron do not show significant depletion by irradiation.

While macronutrients and minerals show little losses to irradiation, vitamins have varied sensitivity to the process. This depends on the food and the solubility of the vitamin in fat and water. For example, one research showed that vitamin B1 (thiamin) in aqueous solution suffered 50% loss at 0.5 kGy. While the same vitamin at the same dose only lost 5% in dried whole egg. One way to minimize vitamin loss is by freezing the food prior to irradiation or by packing the food under nitrogen. Other inert gas will also do.

Along with B1, the vitamins A (retinol) C (ascorbic acid), and E (a-tocopherol) are particularly sensitive to irradiation.

The actual amount of nutrient loss depends on several factors such as the irradiation dose, temperature, packaging, storage time, the presence of oxygen, and the food composition. However, since irradiation of most food products does not involve doses higher than 10 kGy, researchers have focused on the effect on vitamins at lower doses.

Health and radiolytic products

The ions and radicals involved in food irradiation may react with the components in the food. The radiolytics effects may lead to chemical transformations— the so-called “radiolytic” products.

The main reported radiolytic products are some cholesterol oxides and furans, and hydrocarbons and 2-alkylcyclobutanones (products of fat-containing irradiated food.) The International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation also reported “familiar” radiolytic products. These included formic acid, glucose, and acetaldehyde. However, these products or compounds are not new at all. And in fact, the formation of these are not limited to food irradiation— either naturally found in food or products of other food processing methods, particularly heat treatments.

What consumers fear are these unique radiolytic products, particularly those that could make the cells to stop functioning, injuring the cell membrane and the DNA (genetic mutation). Actually, irradiation creates several thousands of compounds. And some of them may be those that pose a long-term hazard (carcinogens), as what some critics believe.

The critics and those oppose the idea of food irradiation even presented over 400 studies that showed the possible adverse effects on human health, particularly carcinogens. However, the FDA dismissed all but 5 of these as they were scientifically flawed. The 5 studies showed that food irradiation is safe. Still, experts say extensive research is necessary.

Although existing researches have shown that consuming irradiated food does not cause observable negative short-term effects. The safety of irradiated food has been assessed through animal diet. However, studies observed no genetic effects in the subjects either. Therefore, the safety in the long run can not really be accurately concluded. Long-term effects may be observed if one consumes large amount of irradiated food. But this is not the case since diet typically includes small servings of irradiated food.

Organizations on food irradiation

Today, through extensive researches, the following organizations have identified food irradiation a safe process:

  • Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 
  • Codex Alimentarius Commission
  • FAO
  • FDA
  • IAEA
  • Scientific Committee of European Union
  • WHO (World Health Organization)


To implement proper quality control of irradiated foods, a reliable detection method has to be in place. Most methods rely on detection of radiolytic products, the presence of free radicals, the microbial load, modification of the DNA, carbohydrates and amino acids, and other similar methods. Here are a few.

Electron spin resonance (SR) spectroscopy

Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy detects radicals such as crystalline sugar and cellulose radicals, products of irradiation. These radicals in food are very stable in solid components, such as bones. Hence, bone-containing products like meat, poultry, and fish are ideal for this method. Since the 1950s, ESR spectroscopy has been used to detect radiation-induced free radicals. However, ESR spectroscopy is not ideal for foods with high moisture content since radicals disappear quickly. The process is relatively simple, specific and rapid. But what limits this method is the cost of ESR spectrometers.

Thermoluminecence (TL)

The method of detection of irradiation by TL is based on the emission of light; heating the food releases the energy trapped in the crystalline lattices. The lattices may be contaminated with sand and other crystalline materials. Examples of these minerals are those in fruits and vegetables such as berries, herbs, and spices as well as those in the intestines of seafoods, particularly shellfish. Wet sieving and treatment with a high density liquid removes and isolates the adhering minerals from the foods. A sensitive photon counter measures the energy released in the form of light. This method of detection has been official control analysis of irradiated food in Finland since 1990. For more on this method, visit the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the document from the University of Helsinki.

Detection of radiolytic products

Although many radiolytic products also form in other types of food processing, those that form as a result irradiation have a distinct distribution pattern.

2-alkylcyclobutanones are major products of fatty acids in irradiated foods. Others that have been detected are 2-alkyl cyclobutane, n-alkane and n-alkene, esters, lactones, ketones, and other hydrocarbons. Studied have revealed that their levels increase with radiation dose and temperature.

Radiolytic products, particularly 2-alkylcyclobutanone, do not form as a result of degradation. Using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to detect these can be a positive marker if foods, especially fat-containing ones, have been irradiated. Other methods of detection of radiolytic products in foods include high pressure liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, and supercritical fluid extraction.

Biological load profiling

It is true that all food processing methods, including irradiation, reduce the microbial population. However, some microorganisms are more resistant to radiation. This research studied the effects of gamma radiation on pathogenic bacteria. At low radiation doses of 0.11 Gy to 0.44 Gy, results indicated that Gram-positive bacteria are more resistant to radiation than Gram-positive bacteria. Other studies have shown similar results.

Based on the established fact that Gram-negative bacteria are more sensitive to radiation, the main focus of early studies was on Gram-negative bacteria. For example, one study showed that the microbial profile of one raw chicken meat involved a significant number of Gram-negative bacteria, the genus Pseudomonas in particular. However, after irradiation at 2.5 kGy, the flora that developed on a raw chicken was primarily Gram-positive bacteria.

The Limus Amoebocyte Lysate test in conjunction with Gram-negative bacteria count, estimates the reduced viability of microorganisms after irradiation. Partnered with Direct Epiflourescent Filter Technique (DEPT), it provides the number of microorganisms eliminated by irradiation. Exceeding the DEPT count by 104 or higher is an indication that the food has been irradiated.


Radura Symbol
The Radura symbol is used internationally to indicate that a product has been irradiated

Like any other forms of food products, irradiated foods are monitored and regulated.

Consumers can tell if one is irradiated food by carefully reading the label. Whole food that has been irradiated must bear the radura symbol and then the phrase “treated by irradiation” or treated with radiation”.

Some products that have not been treated with radiation only have irradiated ingredients. If this is the case, the special labeling requirement is not necessary on the package.

However, the special labelling is required for products that are not yet in the market, but may undergo further processing. This is to ensure that the products are not irradiated multiple times. If this is the case, the FDA advises to include and state the reason of the irradiation.

Because the words “radiation” and “irradiation” are usually associated with the negative connotations, the food industry has been pushing to use alternative words such as “electronically pasteurized” and “cold pasteurized” on the label. However, doing so is one way of misleading the consumers. Because by definition, pasteurization is the method of heating liquids for the purpose of making it safe for consumption. Irradiation, on the other hand, uses ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays and e-beams— totally different approach to food preservation.


  • Food irradiation is a process that utilizes ionizing radiation to kill spoilage and pathogenic bacteria to extend the shelf life of food.
  • Food irradiation is also effective in inhibiting sprouting in vegetables, delaying ripening in fruits, preventing insect infestation in crops, and sterilizing packaging materials.
  • The sources of radiation are gamma rays, x-rays, and electron beams.
  • The maximum absorbed dose delivered to a food should not exceed 10 kGy, unless necessary.
  • At appropriate doses, irradiation does not affect the food’s sensory properties.
  • The effect of ionizing radiation in nutrients is very minimal; however, some vitamins may be vulnerable to the treatment.
  • Food irradiation is a safe treatment; various organizations that include the FDA, WHO, and the Scientific Committee of European Union recognize its safety.
  • The radura symbol and the phrases “treated by irradiation” and “treated with radiation” indicate that the product has been irradiated.

Other references:

R. L.  Singh, S. Mondal (2019). Food Safety and Human Health. Academic Press

D.A.E. Ehlermann (2014). Encyclopedia of Food Safety. Academic Press

P. Fellow. (2000). Food Processing Technology (2nd Edition). Woodhead Publishing Limited

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What Is Potassium Bromate (E924) And Why Many Countries Have Banned It In Baked Products? Tue, 22 Jun 2021 14:47:35 +0000 Potassium bromate (E924) peaked in popularity in the 20th century for it improves the overall quality of baked products. It was until the 90’s when countries started banning the use of it in food products. Why is it banned? And

The post What Is Potassium Bromate (E924) And Why Many Countries Have Banned It In Baked Products? appeared first on The Food Untold.

Potassium Bromate Baked Products

Potassium bromate (E924) peaked in popularity in the 20th century for it improves the overall quality of baked products. It was until the 90’s when countries started banning the use of it in food products. Why is it banned? And are there any alternatives to potassium bromate during baking?

What Is Potassium Bromate (E924)?

Potassium Bromate chemical structure

Now that I have your attention, let’s define potassium bromate or KBrO3 first. Potassium bromate, like the name suggests, is the bromate of potassium that comes in crystal or powder form. It does not have an odor and taste. Its E number is E924. The E numbers are numbers or codes that represent the food additives in the European Union. These E numbers are arranged according to their usage. Like for example E number 100 to 199 are food colorings. E number 900 to 999 are glazing agents, gases, and sweeteners. Although the European Union has banned KBrO3 as a food additive.

Through a patent filed dated 1914, potassium bromate was first used in baked products. According to the patent, the application of haloic acids, oxidizing haloic salts, haloics salts of the alkali, and alkali earth metals during fermentation gives several benefits. These benefits include quality improvement of the baked product, increased product yield, less the amount of yeast needed, and shortened fermentation time. Bread that has been treated with KBrO3 is unusually white, soft, and fluffy.

Today, potassium bromate is used in a wide variety of baked goods and other food products (beer and fish-paste products). But unlike before, there are not as many countries that permit it in food.


Potassium bromate, a carcinogenic potassium salt?

Like any other food additives, KBrO3 has had its fair share of research regarding its safety. But in the 1970s, the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan commenced a series of carcinogenic testings on chemicals, including pesticides, medicines, and food additives. Among the chemicals selected for testing was KBrO3 because of its mutagenicity and widespread use as food additive.

In 1978, a long-term bioassays of KBrO3 found out that 2 years of oral administration of KBrO3 is carcinogenic to rats and mice.

In 1982, a carcinogenic study involving 53 male and 53 female Fisher 344 rats was conducted. These rats were given KBrO3 in water at concentrations of 0, 250 and 500 ml/liter for 110 weeks. But in week 60, 500 ml/liter was reduced to 400 ml/liter due to severe weight gain inhibition in male rats. Over the course of the study, immediate autopsy of the rats that died and survivors killed revealed that the incidence of tumors of the thyroid, kidney, and peritoneum was significantly higher in treated rats than in controls. The authors concluded that KBrO3 oral administration was carcinogenic in Fisher 344 rats.

And in 2020, a study on the carcinogenic effect of potassium bromate on the tongue of adult male albino rats was performed. The study involved 60 adult male albino rats divided into three groups: control, experimental group I, and II. While the control group received distilled water, the experimental group I and II received 62 and 123 mg\kg KBrO3, respectively daily for 2 and 4 months. The immunohistochemical results revealed a significant increase in the immunoreactivity of PCNA, and revealed dysplastic and carcinogenic changes in the experimental groups. The authors concluded that long-term administration has a carcinogenic effect, thereby a risk to public health.

What has become of the potassium bromate market?

Following the series of Japanese carcinogenic studies, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified KBrO3 a category 2B carcinogen (possibly human carcinogenic) in 1999. With that having said, we cannot really blame consumers if they avoid it. Bread is a daily food, right?

Unsurprisingly, the market for KBrO3 is experiencing a sluggish growth, according to Transparency Market Research. The main reason for this is the shrinking market for the food additive. In fact, a lot of countries have banned the use of it in food products since 1990. The European Union does not allow KBrO3 in food since 1992, since 1994 in the Philippines and Canada. Other countries that have blacklisted the additive include Argentina, Korea, Peru, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, India and China. The latter two were the ones of the last to prohibit KBrO3 in 2005 and 2016, respectively.

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The United States, on the other hand, still allows potassium bromate in baked products in permissible limits. But despite the green light, the flour improver has consistently dropped in popularity as consumer awareness grows. One of the reasons for this is that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been urging bakeries and manufacturers to no longer use KBrO3 in their products since the early 1990s. The FDA allows up to 75 ppm when added to whole wheat flour, and up to 50 ppm in white flour.

Checking of potassium bromate in flour and food

KBrO3 remains a legal ingredient in flour and baked products in the United States. However, it is not surprising to know that more Americans prefer KBrO3-free products. The American Bakers Association once said that most of their members have already stopped using bromated flour. Even so, it does not take away the fact that KBrO3-treated baked goods are still in the market. In fact, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reported that at least 86 baked and other food products include KBrO3 as an ingredient. Including in the list are popular brands such as Weis Kaiser rolls, Hormel Foods breakfast sandwiches, and Goya turnover pastry dough. But manufacturers and bakeries are not to blame here— KBrO3 is still allowed in the United States.

If you want to steer clear from baked products with bromated flour, make it a habit to read the label, as always. A product has been treated with KBrO3 if the ingredients list includes the words “potassium bromate” and/or “bromated flour”. Another way to ensure safety is by purchasing products that say the words “bromate-free” on the label

Reading the label before purchase will help you make informed decisions.

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In the state of California, the local law requires manufacturers of baked products treated with KBrO to have a warning sign on the label, just like the graphic below.

potassium bromate to bear a warning sign on the packaging.

Alternatives to potassium bromate

KBrO3 is very effective as a flour enhancer and dough conditioner. If not only for the possible adverse health effects, the demand for it would be off the charts. However, for bakers, there are other alternative ingredients that serve the same purpose.

In terms of bromate replacers, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a healthier alternative and is the most commonly used, even in large scale baking, Ascorbic acid can be purchased in synthetic or natural form. The FDA allows up to 200 ppm of ascorbic acid based on flour weight if used as flour improver and dough conditioner.

Another oxidizer is azodicarbonamide (ADA), which was patented in 1959. ADA can be applied 10 to 20 mg/kg of flour. In terms of speed, ADA is one of the fastest, reacting within a few minutes right after mixing of flour and water. However, it does not react on dry flour. Popular food chains including Wendy’s, McDonald’s and Burger King use ADA in their sandwich breads and burger buns.

The amino acids cysteine is a popular antioxidant. This amino acid also conditions the dough, increases its elasticity to help it rise during baking.

Other alternatives to bromate are enzymes and yeast derivatives.

Other reference:

H. Wieser, Bread Making (2nd Edition), Woodhead Publishing, 2012

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Sodium Benzoate (E211) As A Food Preservative Sun, 09 May 2021 13:24:20 +0000 Searching for the necessary information for sodium benzoate (E211) as a food preservative? This post on sodium benzoate is for the curious consumer, student, or food industry professional.

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Sodium benzoate (E211) as a food preservative

Sodium benzoate is a chemical that serves various industries (pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and cosmetics) because of its many functions—including preservative and medicinal. But if you are searching for the necessary information for sodium benzoate (E211) as a food preservative alone, you’ve come to the right page. This post on sodium benzoate is for the curious consumer, student, or food industry professional. Looking for a specific information on sodium benzoate? Check out the table of content below.

Lets dive right in.

Sodium benzoate (E211) as a food preservative

Sodium Benzoate (E211) preservative

Benzoic acid (C7H5NaO2) is an aromatic carboxylic acid. It is found naturally in a wide range of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Berries are particularly rich in benzoic acid. Dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cheese, and aromatic spices such as cinnamon also contain it. One of its salts and derivatives—sodium benzoate— is used widely in the food industry as a food preservative.

Sodium benzoate is a product of the neutralization of benzoic acid. (See next section for the manufacturing process). Sodium benzoate is a white and odorless crystalline powder or granule, and has a sweet yet astringent taste. It is true that this preservative does not occur naturally, hence man-made.

In the food industry, E211 is the E number assigned for sodium benzoate. E numbers correspond to food additives that are used in the European Union (EU). The other salts of benzoic acid used in food preservation is potassium benzoate (E212) and calcium benzoate (E213).

Sodium benzoate has the capability to inhibit the growth of potentially harmful microorganisms. However, acidic foods are the more common applications of sodium benzoate. More specifically, sodium benzoate is a regular in acidic foods including:

  • Pickles
  • Salad dressings
  • Condiments
  • Sodas
  • Jams and jellies
  • Fruit juices
  • Snacks

Food must have a pH of at least 4.5 to be more effective. The lower pH, the more effective sodium benzoate is in food preservation.

The big sodium benzoate business

Sodium benzoate is a huge business due largely to the main industries it serves. According to a 2016 report by Global Wire, food and beverage holds the biggest market share globally at 46.06%. Pharmaceutical comes next at 30.72%. Then, cosmetic products at 14.5%.

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Transparency Market Research says that China is the biggest producer of sodium benzoate, globally. One of the main reasons for this is the existing ban for synthetic preservatives in certain regions. The following are a few of the key players in the industry from China.

  • Tengzhou Tenglong Chemical
  • Foodchem International Corporation
  • Wuhan Youji Industries Co., Ltd.
  • A.M. Food Chemical Co. Limited

The sodium benzoate market, like the forecast, will continue to grow. This is due largely to the lifting of the prohibition against the use of it in meat products. Sodium benzoate is effective in inhibiting the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in poultry and meat. But its ability to conceal the real quality of the meat led to its banning until 2013.

The process of producing sodium benzoate

There are 3 methods of producing benzoic acid for sodium benzoate preparation.

First is the liquid-phase oxidation of toluene with molecular oxygen. The process involves high temperature and pressure. The pressure is reduced to atmospheric once the oxidation reaction is done. The product stream is then allowed to lower the temperature. Cooling the product down helps to precipitate most of the benzoic acid. Filtration further separates the precipitated benzoic acid from the product stream. Check out this patent for more on this method.

The second method is by hydrolysis of benzotrichloride, a product of toluene and chlorine, into benzoic acid. This process involves the hydrolysis of benzotrichoride at a high temperature under pressure. In Chemistry, hydrolysis is the breakdown of a compound due to reaction with water. Adding a mineral acid precipitates the benzoic acid from the solution. Filtration further separates and refines the precipitated benzoic acid. Check out this patent for more on this method.

The third and last method is producing benzoic acid from phthalic anhydride. Phthalic anhydride is a product of oxidization of naphthalene with vanadium pentoxide. This method involves introducing a mixture of phthalic anhydride vapor and water vapor into a reaction chamber, which contains a catalyst. A maintained high temperature prevents the precipitation of phthalic acid, and instead yields more benzoic acid. Filtration further separates and refines the precipitated benzoic acid. Check out this patent for more on this method.

In all of these 3 methods, benzoic acid undergoes neutralization. Neutralization is a process by which an acid (benzoic acid) and a base (sodium hydroxide) react. The product of this reaction is water and sodium benzoate. Evaporating the water isolates the sodium benzoate. Check out this Chinese patent on the process of manufacturing granular sodium benzoate.

How does sodium benzoate exactly preserve food?

Sodium benzoate is added in bulk liquids. When dissolved in water, it dissociates and forms sodium ions and benzoate ions. The benzoate ions react with proton acid, forming benzoic acid, which itself is not very soluble in water. The benzoic acid acts as the active anti-microbial agent—which interferes with microorganisms’ metabolism. In the process, the pH level of the food increases.

At this point, you may be wondering— “why not use benzoic acid then?”

Benzoic acid is used by itself as a food preservative as well. It has its own E number (E210). It is a more effective anti-microbial agent than sodium benzoate. But sodium benzoate is most often used because of its higher water solubility. Sodium benzoate is 200 times more soluble in water.

Sodium benzoate as flavor enhancer

While used mainly as a food preservative, sodium benzoate also acts as a flavor enhancer to soft drinks. It is especially a regular ingredient in Pepsi and Coca-Cola products. High-fructose corn syrup is a common replacement for real sugar in soft drink manufacturing. But the presence of sodium benzoate enhances the soft drink’s flavor.

Major regulating agencies

Sodium benzoate is one of the most widely used food additives, and is safe when used as intended. In fact, no country has banned the used of it in foods. However, the use of it is monitored and regulated. The following major regulatory organizations approve the use of sodium benzoate:

  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration

The FDA specifically considers sodium benzoate as GRAS (Generally recognized as safe), provided that it is used as intended. The use of it must not exceed 0.1 % concentration by weight in food and beverage. The same amount also applies to animal food.

  • European Food Safety Authority

The European Food Safety Authority or EFSA is responsible for food law enforcement in the European Union. The European agency lists sodium benzoate as an authorized food additive in Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012.

  • Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)

JECFA is a program by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and WHO. It has been evaluating food additives since 1956. The agency lists sodium benzoate as an anti-microbial preservative.

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Researches on health and safety

There are many researches that prove that sodium benzoate (E211) is safe to use as a food preservative. Of course, provided that it does not exceed the allowable limit of 0.1 %. But anyway, here are some common issues and researches regarding sodium benzoate.

Sodium benzoate intake

What is enough? What is too much sodium benzoate acid in your diet? Researches suggest that too much sodium benzoate intake may contribute to several health issues such as stress, obesity, and allergy. But are we consuming too much sodium benzoate?

In 1999, the JECFA assessed the intake of benzoates of people from nine countries. The benzoate-containing foods that people consume were expected to vary. However, 5 of these countries (Australia, France, New Zealand, United Kindom, and the USA) were found to source their benzoates mostly from soft drinks. In Finland, nearly half of benzoate intake were from it at 40%. While the Chinese sourced their benzoates largely from consuming soy sauce, unsurprisingly. The condiment was the second most important to Japanese.

The tolerable daily intake of sodium benzoate is at 5 mg/kg body weight per day. According to the FDA, it would take 180 times the amount of sodium benzoate usually present in our daily diet before health problems to occur. Furthermore, a modified daily diet consisting of foods containing the greatest amounts of sodium benzoate would still take 90 times the amount of sodium benzoate for health problems to occur.

The FDA considers sodium benzoic and benzoic as GRAS due to the fact that there is no available evidence to show that they constitute a hazard to the general public when used at levels that are now current or that expected in the future.

Formation of benzene, a carcinogen, in soft drinks

Many soft drinks manufacturers use ascorbic acid (E300) along with sodium benzoate (and potassium benzoate) in their products. But the problem is the risk of benzene formation during storage. Benzene, in large amount, is carcinogenic, it may cause cancer in humans.

This issue first came to the FDA’s attention in 1990. However, the soft drink industry told the agency that ascorbic acid and benzoate salts-containing beverages could form benzene, but in low levels. The FDA, together with the soft drink industry, performed a research to pinpoint the factors that contribute to the formation of benzene. It turned out that elevated temperature and light can stimulate benzene formation. Because of this result, soft drink companies reformulated their products to lessen or remove the formation of benzene.

As of this writing, the FDA has tested over 200 soft drinks and other beverages. Out of these samples, 9 products containing benzene salts and ascorbic acid were above 5 ppb (benzene per billion parts). 5 ppb is the maximum allowable for benzene in drinking water. The manufacturers later reformulated these products that had exceeded the limit. You may check out this study on FDA’s page.

Want to know how much benzene is in your drink? The FDA has provided the method on the determination of benzene in soft drinks and beverages.

General safety of sodium benzoate

In 2016, the EFSA wrote a scientific opinion re-evaluating benzoic acid and its salts, sodium benzoate, potassium benzoate, and calcium benzoate as food additives. The publication was in response to the request made by the European Commission.

Based on studies, it found that benzoic acid, and its sodium and potassium salts are easily absorbed after oral administration. The results of short-term and subchronic studies suggest that the toxicity of benzoic acid and sodium benzoate is low. In terms of genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, the panel did not see any reason for concern with these food additives. The JECFA reviewed the long-term studies of benzoic acid and sodium benzoate in terms of chronic toxicity carcinogenicity in 1996.

In terms of reproductive toxicity, the panel based on a four-generation reproductive toxicity study in which it featured benzoic acid in the diet of rats. The said study resulted in no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of 500 mg benzoic acid/kg body weight per day.

Key takeaways

  • Sodium benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid
  • Sodium benzoate is the product of neutralization of benzoic acid with sodium hydroxide
  • It works as a food preservative by inhibiting the growth of spoilage microorganisms
  • Ideal for acidic foods like jams, jellies, fruit juices, and sodas
  • The lower pH, the more effective sodium benzoate is in preservation
  • Benzoic acid is a more powerful anti-microbial agent
  • But sodium benzoate is more often used because of its higher water solubility
  • The use of sodium benzoate as a food preservative must not exceed 0.1 % by weight
  • The tolerable daily intake of sodium benzoate is at 5 mg/kg body weight per day
  • Major regulating agencies consider sodium benzoate (E211) as food preservative safe

So there we have it—sodium benzoate (E211) as a food preservative. Did we miss something? Or perhaps you would like to share something about sodium benzoate. Either way, share it by leaving a comment below 🙂

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Caramel Color (E150): What Is It As A Food Additive? Sat, 20 Feb 2021 07:41:41 +0000 There are other other food additives that can make food products visually appealing to customers. Why the love for caramel color (E150)? Well, for good reasons.

The post Caramel Color (E150): What Is It As A Food Additive? appeared first on The Food Untold.

Caramel Color (E150)
Caramel color is added to baked goods to make it more appealing to customers

Ever wondered why caramel color (E150) is everywhere? That’s because caramel color is one of the most widely used food coloring in the world. It dates back to the 19th century when caramel color was first used commercially for the brewing industry. Then in the 20th century, soft drink companies started using caramel color not only as a colorant, but as an emulsifying agent as well.

Today, caramel color comes in solid or liquid form, water-soluble and gives foods color that ranges from light yellow to dark brown. It has a wide range of applications. Although there are some considerations that food manufacturers take a look into when using caramel color. Two of them are color stability and compatibility with the food process and/or the ingredients. Will the caramel maintain its color during a specific process? What will happen to the color in the presence of salt or acid?

There are other other food additives that can make food products visually appealing to customers. Why the love for caramel color (E150)? Well, for good reasons.

Keep reading.

Applications of caramel color

Examples of caramel (E150)-containing food products
Caramel color is one of the widely used food coloring

Caramel color is added to various food products mainly for better color—and flavor too. Generally, You’d see caramel color or E150 in:

  • Baked goods
  • Beverages
  • Beer and spirits
  • Confectionery
  • Sauce and seasonings
  • Snacks

Foods have naturally-occurring colors. However, these become unstable once the food is processed. And the color degradation would continue as a result of exposure to light, air, moisture, and temperature during storage. This is where a food coloring such as caramel color comes in. It corrects and maintains the color of the food to make it appealing and attractive to the eye.

Aside from color, it is also used to flavor foods and beverages, as I have mentioned. In the world of confectionery, caramel candies are a staple. Caramel flavor is also common in chocolate products and fruit juices, as flavor and topping for ice cream and popcorn.

Caramel color also has an ability to emulsify in sodas. This is especially true to flavored sodas that require flavoring oils as an ingredient. An emulsifying agent is a food additive that helps stabilize an (aqueous) emulsion. You might want to read this patent filed by Pepsico Inc. in 1963.

Why caramel color (E150)?

With many selections of food coloring, why caramel?

You can’t blame food manufacturers why they mostly, if not entirely, rely on caramel color. The product of caramelization is relatively economical, readily available and easy to use. Plus, its bland aroma and mild flavor do not significantly affect the flavor profile of the finished product.

The process of making caramel color

Like the name suggests, caramel color is made through a process called caramelization. Caramelization is a process that involves controlled heat treatment of carbohydrates.

When making caramel color, reactants may be added. Basically, carbohydrates are food grade nutritive sweeteners that are commercially available. These may consist of  glucose, fructose, sucrose, invert sugar, molasses, maltose, and starch hydrolysates. Among these, fructose creates the darkest color as it caramelizes the fastest at 230°F (110°C). While maltose requires at least 356°F (180°C) to caramelize.

Caramel color can be manufactured without a reactant (Class I). But food grade reactants such as an acid, alkali or salt may be added to assist in the caramelization and make a variety of caramel colors. There are 4 classes of caramel color. Each of them has its own distinct properties to satisfy the requirements of a specific application or food process.

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4 classes of caramel color

These classes of caramel color are recognized by United Nations Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).

Each of them has an INS (International Numbering System for Food Additives) and an E number. INS is a European naming system for additives to shorten lengthy names and is defined by the following:

  • Codex Alimentarius
  • International food standard association of WHO
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

The E numbers are codes use within the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

Class I

Class I is plain caramel—no reactant. Its INS and E number is E150a. Ideally used for baked products like cookies and crackers, high proof alcohols like whiskey, and fruit concentrates.

Class II

Class II is caustic sulphite caramel. Its INS and E number is E150b. Made with sulphite compounds, including sulfurous acid (H2SO3), potassium sulfite (K2SO3), and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3). Its distinct red color and stability in alcohol makes it ideal in rum, wine, whiskey, and brandy. Also used in snacks.

Class III

Class III is ammonia caramel. Also called beer caramel and confectioner’s caramel. Its INS and E number is E150c. Made with ammonium compounds. These compounds include ammonium carbonate (NH4) 2CO3, ammonium hydroxide (NH₄OH), ammonium phosphate (NH4) 3PO4, and ammonium hydrogen carbonate (NH₄HCO₃). Ammonia caramel is stable in alcohol. Used in beer production. Has sweet aroma—used for confectionery products. Also ideal for salt-rich foods like BBQ sauces, gravy, and soy sauce.

Class IV

Class IV is sulfite ammonia caramel. Also called soft-drink caramel. Its INS and E number is E150d. Made with sulfite and ammonium compounds. Has dark brown color. Used in a wide variety of foods like syrup, coffee, pet foods, meat mixes, seasoning, soda, and baked goods. Sulfite ammonia caramel is also ideal for acid foods like vinegar.

Color Measurement

Plain caramel is commonly used in whiskey
Plain caramel is commonly used in whiskey

Let’s talk about color measurement of caramel.

According to the FDA, caramel must be dark brown liquid or solid material. But there is more to it. How are you going to make the color of the product exactly the same every single time? Will the color be stable?

Checking and standardization using a measuring equipment helps determine the color changes during processing, and storage, and control the color of the final product.

The color intensity or value refers to the absorbance of a 1 mg/mL (0.1% weight/volume) solution in water. This refers to the brightness and visibility of a food product, to put it simply.

Commonly, the intensity of color is measured using a ratio of absorbance values. In chemistry, absorbance value refers to the quantity of light absorbed by a sample (caramel color). This is determined through spectral analysis using an equipment like a spectrophotometer.

Through the Hue Index, the results are analyzed. Basically, the Hue Index determines objectively how red (or yellow) the caramel color is. The higher the value of the Hue Index, the more red or yellow the caramel color is. The range of the Hue Index for caramel color is around 3.5 to 7.5 at 0.1 solution.

Generally, the higher the color intensity, the lower the hue index.

Is caramel color (E150) safe?

Yes, caramel color is indeed safe. Caramel color is neither carcinogenic nor a genotoxic. In fact, many international regulatory bodies approved its use as a food coloring.

Wait, what about the compound called 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) in Class III and Class IV caramel coloring? Isn’t it a carcinogenic, according to a study submitted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in 2007? The 2-year toxicological testing showed increased incidence of certain lung tumors in mice.

The reaction of ammonia and the reducing sugars promotes formation of 4-MEI in Class III and IV caramel color. However, according to FDA, there is no reason to believe that 4-MEI can cause immediate or short-term health risks. The reason is that the levels of 4-MEI used on the mice far exceeded current estimates of human consumption from foods, obviously.

And besides, like most additives, regulatory bodies tightly regulate the use of caramel color. In fact, 250 mg/kg (ppm) is the limit for 4-MEI, as set by the following:

  • Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
  • Food Chemicals Codex (FCC)
  • European Union (EU)

Furthermore, this updated study on safety of caramel conducted in 2017 found No Observable Adverse Effect Levels (NOAEL). This is in terms of toxicokinetics, genotoxicity, subchronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, and reproductive toxicity studies. 

And if you are still so concerned about 4-MEI, you’ve been consuming foods with 4-MEI unknowingly. How? The compounds also form when you roast coffee beans or grill meat at home.

Key Takeaways

  • The process of caramelization produces caramel color.
  • The process may or may not involve a reactant (acid, alkali or salt)
  • There are four class of caramel color: plain caramel, caustic sulphite caramel, ammonia caramel, and sulfite ammonia caramel.
  • Caramel color gives distinct color to foods, ranging from light yellow to dark brown
  • Measuring the color of caramel helps determine the color changes of the food product.
  • 4-MEI is a compound or impurity present in Class III and IV.
  • As assessed by regulatory bodies such as the FDA and JECFA, caramel color is safe.

There it is—caramel color (E150) as a food additive. Have I missed something important? Or perhaps, you have just found caramel in the ingredient list of a food product? Share it below. And if you found the post informative that other may like this, share it. I will appreciate it much.

The post Caramel Color (E150): What Is It As A Food Additive? appeared first on The Food Untold.

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