Acrylamide forms during frying, broiling, baking, and roasting due to the high temperatures involved, which promote the Maillard reaction and acrylamide formation.
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]]>Have you ever been curious about the nature of acrylamide and how it develops in the food we regularly consume? Acrylamide is a naturally occurring compound that emerges when specific foods undergo high-temperature cooking methods like frying, baking, or roasting. The concern surrounding acrylamide stems from its potential impact on our health, particularly its association with cancer risk.
The purpose of this blog is to unravel the chemistry behind acrylamide, its formation process, and the consequences it may have on human well-being. Furthermore, we will explore the latest scientific research on the potential health hazards linked to consuming acrylamide.
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By gaining insight into the chemistry and formation of acrylamide, we can better understand its impact on the human body. We will address common questions regarding the effects of acrylamide and explore strategies for reducing its presence in our diets.
Acrylamide forms through a chemical reaction known as the Maillard reaction. This reaction occurs when certain amino acids and sugars in food react at high temperatures, typically above 248°F (120°C).
Acrylamide forms during frying, broiling, baking, and roasting due to the high temperatures involved, which promote the Maillard reaction and acrylamide formation.
These cooking methods also create a dry heat environment that allows for water evaporation and concentration of sugars and amino acids, further facilitating acrylamide formation.
Boiling and steaming, with their lower temperatures and presence of liquid water, are less conducive to acrylamide formation due to the absence of dry heat and the dilution of sugars and amino acids. In facts, conducted studies did not detect acrylamide in unheated and boiled foods.
Acrylamide, when present in high concentrations, is acknowledged as a neurotoxin. Animal studies conducted with acrylamide concentrations thousands of times higher than those typically found in food did not show an increased risk of cancer, although the applicability of these findings to humans remains uncertain. Ongoing research is exploring the potential connection between acrylamide and certain types of cancer, suggesting a possible increased risk. Despite the inclination to minimize acrylamide intake, a preliminary study revealed its presence in 40% of the American diet.
Mitigating acrylamide consumption can present difficulties due to its formation during everyday cooking practices. Nevertheless, there are approaches that can aid in reducing its presence in our diets. These strategies encompass refraining from overcooking or charring foods, selecting cooking techniques that generate lower levels of acrylamide (such as steaming or boiling), and embracing a diverse diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Acrylamide formation requires specific compounds to be present in the food during high-temperature cooking. The main compounds involved in the formation of acrylamide are sugars (particularly glucose and fructose) and the amino acid asparagine. Here’s a breakdown of the compounds required for acrylamide formation:
While sugars and asparagine are key components for acrylamide formation, it’s worth noting that not all foods that contain these compounds will necessarily produce significant amounts of acrylamide.
It’s important to note that the exact mechanisms and interactions involved in acrylamide formation are complex and not yet fully understood. Studies have shown that reducing sugars containing a free aldehyde group can react with asparagine at temperatures exceeding 212°F (100°C), resulting in the formation of an N-glycoside compound. This N-glycoside is subsequently cleaved at the C-N bond, leading to the production of an intermediate that ultimately yields acrylamide. A study conducted in 2003 proposed a pathway illustrating the transformation of N-glycoside into acrylamide. Moreover, it has been observed that substances such as 2-deoxyglucose, glyoxal, and glycerol can also combine with asparagine to synthesize acrylamide.
Acrylamide is found in a range of foods that undergo high-temperature cooking processes. Fried potato chips (16-30%), potato crisps (6-46%), coffee (13-39%), pastry and sweet biscuits (10-20%), bread and crisp bread (10-30%) are the main contributors to the dietary exposure of western populations to acrylamide. Other foods contribute less than 10%.
The proportion of each food item in the total intake of acrylamide varies depending on the composition of the food basket in different countries. For instance, in Sweden, coffee contributes 39% to the total exposure while in the Netherlands it is only 13%. In the United States, fried potato products account for 35% of exposure while coffee accounts for only 7%.
Here are the food items commonly associated with acrylamide formation:
When potatoes are cooked at high temperatures, such as frying or roasting, the naturally occurring sugars and the amino acid asparagine present in the potatoes undergo a chemical reaction known as the Maillard reaction. This reaction leads to the formation of acrylamide, resulting in the characteristic golden-brown color and crispy texture of potato products like French fries and potato chips.
Acrylamide is naturally formed during the roasting of coffee beans. The high temperatures involved in the roasting process cause the Maillard reaction to occur, resulting in the formation of acrylamide. The amount of acrylamide in coffee is primarily determined by the duration and temperature of the roasting process. On average, coffee contains between 249 and 253 μg of acrylamide. A study indicated that coffee substitutes have the highest level of acrylamide at 818 μg/kg, followed by instant coffee at 358 μg/kg, and then roasted coffee at 179 μg/kg. I have discussed acrylamide in coffee in a separate post.
Baked goods, such as cookies, crackers, bread, pastries, and cakes, contain ingredients like flour, sugar, and fats, which are prone to acrylamide formation when exposed to high heat during baking. The Maillard reaction between the sugars and amino acids in these ingredients leads to the production of acrylamide, contributing to the desirable texture and flavor of baked goods.
Snack foods like pretzels, corn chips, and popcorn are often processed at high temperatures, making them susceptible to acrylamide formation. The combination of starches, sugars, and high-temperature cooking methods during snack food production can lead to the formation of acrylamide.
Potato chips, being the most popular among consumers, often exhibit elevated levels of acrylamide in comparison to other snacks. This disparity can be attributed primarily to the naturally higher concentrations of reducing sugars and asparagine amino acid present in potatoes.
In contrast, vegetable chips and tortilla chips generally contain lower amounts of acrylamide when compared to potato chips. This difference is primarily due to variations in their composition and cooking methods. A study revealed that the levels of acrylamide in potato chips ranged from 117 to 2762 parts per billion (ppb), whereas tortilla chips demonstrated acrylamide levels ranging from 130 to 196 ppb.
Certain breakfast cereals, especially those made from grains like oats or rice, can contain acrylamide. This is because these cereals often undergo processes such as toasting or extrusion at high temperatures, which can trigger the formation of acrylamide through the Maillard reaction.
The discovery of acrylamide as a neurotoxin and carcinogen in heated foods has raised concerns about its potential health effects. When ingested, acrylamide is metabolized in the body and can form reactive compounds that may bind to DNA and proteins. This can potentially lead to genetic mutations and cellular damage.
Research has indicated that the consumption of foods high in acrylamide is associated with a higher incidence of certain cancers in humans, including ovarian, endometrial, breast, and kidney cancers. This was confirmed in several studies presented. In a 2010 study conducted by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), it revealed a heightened risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer in non-smoking post-menopausal women who regularly consume food and beverages with elevated acrylamide levels.
However, our current knowledge about the comprehensive effects of acrylamide on human health is limited. The available evidence primarily stems from studies conducted on laboratory animals rather than direct investigations into human exposure to acrylamide from food sources. Various organizations, including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the American Cancer Society acknowledge the necessity for further research to fully comprehend the complete impact of acrylamide on human health.
To date, evaluations of epidemiological studies conducted on diverse populations suggest that there is minimal evidence linking dietary acrylamide to the risk of developing most common types of cancer. However, ongoing research endeavors will provide further insights into the potential correlation between acrylamide levels in foods and an increased risk of cancer.
Although it is challenging to completely eliminate acrylamide from the diet, there are several measures you can take to reduce its intake. Within the United States, the FDA governs the permissible levels of residual acrylamide in materials that come into contact with food. However, there are presently no specific regulations concerning the presence of acrylamide in food products themselves. In 2016, the FDA released guidelines aimed at assisting the food industry in minimizing acrylamide content in select foods. It’s important to note that these guidelines serve as recommendations rather than enforceable regulations.
At home, you can follow simple steps that can effectively lower your consumption of acrylamide:
Acrylamide formation is more likely to occur when foods are overcooked or burned. The darker the food is, the more arcylamide has formed. To minimize acrylamide levels, be mindful of cooking times and temperatures. Cook food only until it turned golden yellow or light brown. (See above illustration as provided by the FDA). Avoid excessive browning or charring foods, as this can increase acrylamide formation. Or better yet, opt for cooking methods that retain moisture, such as steaming or boiling, which tend to produce lower levels of acrylamide.
Certain cooking methods are known to generate less acrylamide compared to others. Steaming, boiling, and microwaving are gentler techniques that can help reduce acrylamide formation. When applicable, choose these methods over frying, baking, or roasting at high temperatures.
For instance, when preparing potatoes, steaming or boiling them instead of frying or baking at high temperatures can significantly reduce acrylamide formation. By opting for gentler cooking methods like steaming or boiling, you can mitigate the risk of excessive acrylamide production while still enjoying delicious and nutritious dishes.
You can reduce your acrylamide exposure by include a variety of foods in your diet. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains in your diet. These foods contain lower levels of acrylamide and have several nutritional benefits..
Instead of relying primarily on processed snacks like potato chips or French fries, include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and complete grains in your meals.
Proper storage and preparation methods can also play a role in reducing acrylamide. Store potatoes and other starch-rich foods in a cool, dark place instead of the refrigerator. The asparagine content of potatoes and similar foods is not significantly affected by storage conditions. However, it is known that long-term storage of potatoes below about 39°F (4°C) increases the level of reducing sugars, which potentially increases acrylamide formation during cooking.
Additionally, soaking raw potato slices in water for 15-30 minutes before frying can help remove some of the starch and lower acrylamide levels. Starch is a precursor to acrylamide formation during cooking. By soaking the potatoes in water for 15-30 minutes prior to frying, some of the starch on the surface of the potato slices can be leached out.
The water acts as a medium for drawing out the excess starch, which may contribute to a reduction in acrylamide formation during the cooking process. It is important to note that this technique may not completely eliminate acrylamide, but it can be a helpful step in minimizing its levels. I have discussed this in a separate post further: Why Soaking Potatoes In Water Is Important.
J. Provost, K. Colabroy, B. Kelly, M. Wallert (2016). The Science of Cooking: Understanding the Biology and Chemistry Behind Food and Cooking. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
N. A. Michael Eskin, F. Shahidi (2013). Biochemistry of Foods (3rd edition). Academic Press.
P. Cheung, B. Mehta (2015). Handbook of Food Chemistry. Springer.
A. Zeb (2019). Food Frying: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Safety.John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
S. Damodaran, K. Parkin (2017). Fennema’s Food Chemistry (5th edition). CRC Press.
H. Belitz, W. Grosch, P. Schieberle (2009). Food Chemistry (4th Edition). Springer.
J. Velisek (2014). The Chemistry of Food. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The post Acrylamide In Food: Chemistry, Formation, And Health Effects appeared first on The Food Untold.
]]>The post Is Acrylamide Present in All Chips? Let’s Find Out appeared first on The Food Untold.
If you’ve ever wondered about the presence of acrylamide in potato chips, you’re not alone. Potato chips, a beloved snack made from thinly sliced potatoes that are fried or baked until crispy, have gained popularity worldwide. However, there are concerns about their impact on health due to their high fat, sodium, and calorie content. Moreover, the cooking process of potato chips at high temperatures has raised questions about the formation of acrylamide, a potential carcinogen. So, let’s delve into the question: Is acrylamide present in all chips?
Let’s find out.
Acrylamide has been a significant industrial chemical, particularly in the production of polyacrylamide. Polyacrylamide has been utilized for a variety of purposes, including the removal of suspended solids from industrial effluent, soil conditioner, herbicide combination surfactant, stationary phase for laboratory separations, and cosmetic formulations.
However, the finding of large levels of acrylamide in heat-processed starch-based foods in April 2002 prompted extensive research into validating the existence and quantifying the amounts of acrylamide. Furthermore, the discovery of acrylamide in foods has sparked global concern because it has been identified as a possible human carcinogen, neurotoxicant, and genotoxicant. It is particularly associated with a higher incidence of breast, ovarian, endometrial, and kidney cancers.
Acrylamide forms as a byproduct of the Maillard reaction. It is a chemical reaction that happens at high temperatures between amino acids (asparagine) and reducing sugars during baking, frying, or roasting. This process causes browning and flavor development in many cooked foods. Acrylamide is not found in unheated or even boiled foods, such as boiled potatoes. It is because the temperature does not rise over 100°C during boiling. It is either undetectable at very low quantities in canned or frozen fruits and vegetables, as well as vegetable protein products.
One of the foods with a reputation for having high acrylamide levels is potato chips. In fact, according to a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) research, potato chips can have up to 1,000 times the level of acrylamide that is deemed safe for drinking water.
Ongoing research is dedicated to understanding the potential health risks associated with dietary exposure to acrylamide. As of now, there is no conclusive evidence linking moderate consumption of foods containing acrylamide to significant health issues. The scientific community continues to explore this subject to provide a clearer understanding of the potential effects on human health.
Now, let’s address the burning question: is acrylamide present in all chips? The answer is yes, but the levels can vary. Different factors influence the amount of acrylamide in chips, including the cooking temperature, time, and the composition of the chips.
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Potato chips, being the most popular variety, often contain higher levels of acrylamide compared to other types. This is primarily because potatoes have naturally higher levels of reducing sugars and asparagine amino acid.
In contrast, vegetable chips or tortilla chips typically have reduced acrylamide content compared to potato chips, mainly because of variances in their composition and cooking techniques. According to a study, the acrylamide levels in potato chips ranged from 117 to 2762 parts per billion (ppb), while tortilla chips exhibited acrylamide levels between 130 and 196 ppb.
Food regulatory authorities around the world, such as the FDA and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), have been monitoring acrylamide levels in food products. The below table shows high acrylamide-containing foods.
Chocolate | 0 to 74 |
Bread | 24 to 130 |
Coffee | 64 to 319 |
Pretzel | 46 to 386 |
Cookies | 34 to 955 |
Crackers | 26 to 1540 |
Tortilla chips | 130 to 196 |
French fries | 109 to 1325 |
Potato chips | 117 to 2762 |
While the potential health risks of acrylamide have been studied, the evidence regarding the impact of moderate consumption on human health is inconclusive. It’s important to remember that a balanced and varied diet, along with a healthy lifestyle, is key to overall well-being.
If you are concerned about acrylamide levels in chips, you may consider moderating your intake, opting for alternative snack options, or choosing chips that are cooked using methods that minimize acrylamide formation. If you cook the chips yourself, there are several things to do during preparation and cooking that you can follow to minimize acrylamide formation. Here are some of them.
Soaking is a simple and effective method of reducing acrylamide levels in cooked potatoes. Soaking potatoes in water for 15 to 30 minutes is effective in reducing acrylamide levels during the cooking process.
Several factors contribute to the effectiveness of soaking in reducing acrylamide levels. Soaking helps remove some of the starch content from the potato surfaces. When the inherent sugars and amino acids in potatoes interact under high heat, acrylamide is formed. By partially removing the starch through soaking, there are fewer sugars available for this reaction to occur. Additionally, soaking may eliminate some of the water-soluble substances involved in the synthesis of acrylamide, such as asparagine and reducing sugars. By soaking, these substances are partially removed, resulting in lower acrylamide levels when the potatoes are cooked. I have previously discussed this topic in a blog post, which you can read here.
The thickness and cooking method of the chips are influential in determining the acrylamide content. Thinner chips that are cooked at higher temperatures for longer durations may exhibit higher levels of acrylamide. It is important to ensure that the chips are cut thinly and uniformly. Moreover, carefully monitor the frying temperature to maintain control. Cooking the chips at lower temperatures can help minimize the formation of acrylamide while ensuring thorough cooking. It is recommended to cook the chips until they reach a golden brown color and avoid overcooking. Darker chips indicate higher levels of acrylamide formation.
The post Is Acrylamide Present in All Chips? Let’s Find Out appeared first on The Food Untold.
]]>The post Acrylamide In Coffee: Is It Dangerous? appeared first on The Food Untold.
]]>Acrylamide is a polymerized compound that chemists and biologists can use to analyze protein sizes and make plastics. But it also forms in small amounts in foods that are cooked at high temperatures. This what was discovered in 2002 by scientists when foods undergo the Maillard reaction. For example, the temperatures used for roasting coffee beans kickstarts a series of reactions that leads to acrylamide formation. Prior to this finding, the primary known potential sources of acrylamide had been tobacco smoke and drinking water.
In the West, consumption of coffee (13-39%), fried potato chips (16-30%), potato crisps (6-46%), pastries and sweet biscuits (10-20%), bread and crisp bread (10-30%), and to a lesser extent other foods (10%), are the main causes of exposure to acrylamide. In the United States, the exposure is attributed to fried potato products (37%), and coffee (7%).
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But is acrylamide in coffee dangerous? Well, its toxicity to humans are currently unknown. But one certain thing is the levels of acrylamide in food. This depends on many processing variations and parameters. Temperature, time, frying oil type, and food matrix type all play a part in its formation.
Here is how acrylamide forms in coffee.
Generally, foods heated above 284°F (120°C) by baking, frying, and broiling produce various reactions that lead to reactions, particularly the Maillard reaction. Studies confirmed that fresh foods or not cooked contain no quantifiable amount of acrylamide. In the case of coffee, acrylamide only forms during roasting of coffee beans. Studies have revealed that acrylamide forms in brewed coffee, coffee substitutes, and instant coffee.
The Maillard reaction is a browning process wherein the reducing sugars and free amino acids in proteins react and consumed. Many studies have been conducted to determine the mechanisms of acrylamide formation. But the most important pathway is the decarboxylation and deamination of asparagine. Asparagine is one of the 20 amino acids, and found in nearly every food including coffee. In the presence of glucose, cysteine and methionine also form acrylamide, but the yields are much lower than those from asparagine.
In complex food systems, the reaction pathways for acrylamide formation are more complicated. It is because it extends beyond the simple reaction of reducing sugars with asparagine.
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Acrylamide does not form in unheated or even boiled foods, such as boiled potatoes, because the temperature does not rise above 212°F (100°C) during boiling. It does occur at very low levels in canned or frozen fruits and vegetables, as well as vegetable protein products.
Studies have revealed that a wide range of foods subjected to high heat contain acrylamide. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) mentioned that fried potatoes are the main contributor to total dietary exposure. Heated potatoes such as French fries and potato chips contain the highest levels potatoes contain both free reducing sugars and free asparagine. According to a data provided by the European Commission, potato crisps can contain about 628 μg/kg of acrylamide.
In coffee, the levels of acrylamide largely depend on the length and temperature during roasting. Coffee contains on average 249 to 253 μg of acrylamide. One study revealed that coffee substitutes contain the highest acrylamide level (818 μg/kg) followed by instant coffee (358 μ/kg) and then roasted coffee (179 μ/kg). So are these acrylamide levels in coffee dangerous?
Acrylamide is considered a toxin, but at concentrations higher than those found in foods (including coffee). Furthermore, several studies that have been done so far on acrylamide effects in rodents involved concentrations a thousandfold higher than those found in food. Hence, it is still unclear if these levels pose risk to the human health.
But there are some hints on increased risk of developing some type of cancer. A 1994 report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated that acrylamide causes chromosomal aberrations, gene mutations, and cell transformation in rodents. This led to the conclusion that acrylamide is most likely carcinogenic to humans. The organization then classified acrylamide as a potential human carcinogen (group 2A). The Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) said that it is indeed a human health concern.
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But presently, the full impact of acrylamide on the human health is still unknown. More research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn about the potential dangers of acrylamide in foods. The JECFA suggested to conduct long-term studies on its potential impact.
Acrylamide is an unstable compound that can be destroyed by the addition of nucleophilic amino or sulfhydryl groups from amino acids and other nucleophiles. For this reason, the reported levels of acrylamide are thus the outcome of simultaneous formation and elimination reactions.
But if truth be told, removing acrylamide in coffee in impossible since if forms during roasting, the essential step that brings out the aroma and flavor of coffee. The good news is that the maximum exposure levels of acrylamide (as per EFSA recommendation) is far from what people normally consume. Even so, there are several proven ways to reduce its levels in coffee.
At home, there are steps you can take to reduce your intake to significantly lower the levels of acrylamide from coffee. One strategy is to lengthen the duration of roasting the beans. The longer the roasting duration of coffee beans, the lower the level of acrylamide formation. Acrylamide formation peaks during the early part of the roasting process. Over time, the rate of acrylamide formation slows down, and the extended roasting time allows the high temperature to break down the acrylamide that has formed. In fact, this 2004 Austrian study found that coffee beans roasted for longer time form less acrylamide. This same study also concluded that raising the roasting temperature helps lower acrylamide formation.
Another way to reduce acrylamide intake is to opt for fresh roasted coffee, instead of coffee substitutes and instant coffee. According to earlier mentioned study, it found that fresh roasted coffee contains 179 μ/kg of acrylamide. But instant coffee contains twice as much, while coffee substitutes contain thrice the amount of the chemical.
What most studies suggest is to select commercial blends with higher arabica percentages. Arabica coffee contains lower asparagine concentrations than Robusta species. For this reason, Arabica coffee when roasted tends to contain less acrylamide.
To sum it up, lower asparagine concentrations, higher roasting temperatures, and longer roasting times all result in lower acrylamide levels in coffee.
The post Acrylamide In Coffee: Is It Dangerous? appeared first on The Food Untold.
]]>The post Korean Study: Overcooking With Air Fryers Creates Toxic appeared first on The Food Untold.
]]>During deep drying, you’ll likely need about 5 cups of cooking oil. That’s a little over 1 liter. But with an air fryer, you’ll only need 2 tablespoons at maximum. That’s so significant to save, right? Aside from reduced oil in foods, another health benefit of air fryers is the reduction of acrylamide, a toxic and probably a carcinogen in foods. In fact, a study says that air fryers can reduce acrylamide formation by up to 90%. But it is not always the case, particularly if the air fryer is used without caution. According to a 2020 study conducted by the Korea Consumer Agency, overcooking with air fryers creates toxic compound called acrylamide.
Acrylamide is a compound that forms in processes that require high temperature, such as frying, broiling, baking, and roasting. Acrylamide is the product of the Maillard reaction between asparagine (an amino acid found in most foods) and some reducing sugars. It forms when food is heated at 248°F (120°C) or above.
How bad exactly acrylamide is? Well, enough that The Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) have acrylamide in their long list of human health concerns.
In 2015, the European Food Safety Authority confirmed that acrylamide potentially increases the risk of developing cancer
At high concentrations, acrylamide is considered a neurotoxin. One study says that acrylamide could cause cancers to animals at concentrations several times more than those in food. It is still unclear how exactly the effects translate to humans. Hence, it is not yet certain if acrylamide is indeed a carcinogen. However, there are indications of an increased risk of some types of cancer.
According to a study conducted by Korea Consumer Agency in 2020, overcooking with air fryers create more acrylamide.
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The study involved using ten (10) different air fryer brands to check the formation of acrylamide in foods.
Following the manufacturer’s instruction, they cooked french fries in small batches for the longest cooking time at a temperature of 392°F (200°C). The models used emitted up to 1,720 mg/kg of acrylamide. This exceeds the EU and Korean standard by 3.4 times and 1.7 times, respectively.
However, acrylamide emission decreased to safer levels in large batches. It therefore suggests that air frying foods in smaller batches for a long time is unhealthy.
Yes, overcooking foods with air fryers increases risks of acrylamide formation. The same thing can be said with other cooking methods like roasting and baking. Boiling and steaming, on the other hand, create less as studies have shown. Reduced temperature and shorter cooking time help. Here are a few more tips to reduce acrylamide formation in foods:
The post Korean Study: Overcooking With Air Fryers Creates Toxic appeared first on The Food Untold.