covid-19 Archives - The Food Untold Discovering the Wonders of Science in Food Sun, 03 Oct 2021 11:48:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 covid-19 Archives - The Food Untold 32 32 Why Buying 99% Isopropyl Alcohol During Pandemic Is Better Mon, 21 Dec 2020 11:44:12 +0000 Stores and pharmacies have run out of hand sanitizers? Why not buy 99% isopropyl alcohol?

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Why Buying 99% Isopropyl Alcohol During Pandemic Is Better. A Hand Sanitizer

It has been roughly a year ago since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in Wuhan, China. Since then, we have implemented a lot of changes in order to keep the number of cases from steadily climbing. Social distancing, quarantine, wearing of face mask, and frequent hand washing are among them. Aside from these, the market has changed too. As expected, products for sanitizing are the hottest items in the market right now. So it won’t come as a surprise if stores or pharmacies have run out of stock of 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer. And even if they restock, they’ll be gone rather quickly. Instead of going for the item that is most likely sold within the day, why not go for another that’s barely noticed—99% isopropyl alcohol. Yes, buying 99% isopropyl alcohol is a definite option.

When we talk about hand sanitizer, we often refer to 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or ethyl alcohol (ETOH). If 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer is scarce in your area these days, you can purchase pure (99%) Isopropyl alcohol and easily dilute it to 70%. Yes, we’re not rubbing our hands with pure alcohol for our hands. It would burn our them. And besides, unlike what many people believe, 70% alcohol is more effective than 99% alcohol in killing the harmful bacteria, and viruses (including the coronavirus).

Why is 70% is better than 99% isopropyl alcohol?

There is a reason why hand sanitizers or IPA always come at 70% concentration.

In order to eliminate the bacteria or viruses, the alcohol performs a process called denaturation.It occurs when the molecules of the alcohol interacts with the fat membrane, which protects the cell of the bacteria or virus. When the membrane is damaged, the alcohol denatures the protein of the microorganism, making it no longer infectious. This is how chlorine works against bacteria and viruses.

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This denaturation process mainly requires two things in order to be effective: sufficient concentration of disinfectant, and sufficient contact time.

Yes, 99% alcohol has a stronger concentration of alcohol than 70%. But it is very volatile. It doesn’t stay on the skin or on any surface for very long as it evaporates very quickly. At 70% alcohol, on the other hand, its 30% water makes it evaporate slower. This helps reach the target microorganism and allows for a longer contact time.

Another reason why pure alcohol isn’t good for disinfection is that its high concentration makes it toxic to humans. Repeated application on skin may cause several skin illnesses like rash, cracking or itching.

Where is 99% alcohol commonly used?

Pure alcohol isn’t mainly used for sanitary purposes. But it is used widely in various industries. In electronic parts manufacturing, pure isopropyl alcohol is used as a cleaning agent. Computer technicians also use it when working on sensitive computer parts. When it comes to solvent or cleaning agent, these industries prefer such concentration since it evaporates quickly.

Thankfully though, we can buy and use 99% alcohol this pandemic .

How to dilute 99% to 70% IPA?

Now that you know why buying 99% isopropyl alcohol during the pandemic is better, here’s how you can dilute it to make 70% IPA.

Dilution might be a terrifying thing to do for someone who doesn’t work in a lab. But it is actually not difficult. When diluting alcohol, all you need is distilled water, and a measuring device like a graduated cylinder (most accurate). If you are doing this at home, use a container with a scale.

Use the below formula when diluting to 70% IPA:


C1= Starting concentration (99)

V1=Starting volume

C2= Final concentration (70)

V2= Final volume

Using the formula, here is the computation if you want to make 100 ml of 70% IPA:

100 ml 99% IPA = 99 ml

X ml 70% IPA = 70 ml

= 70 ml X 100 ml / 99

= 70.70 ml

So 70.70 ml of 99% IPA and 29.3 ml of distilled water make 100 ml of 70% IPA

Or simply measure 70ml of 99% IPA and 30 ml of distilled water into a container. This method isn’t accurate but close enough.

Or use below online calculator provided by easycalculation.

Are you looking for the latest news about the coronavirus pandemic? visit the World Health Organization’s website.

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Can COVID-19 Be Spread Through Food? Sun, 16 Aug 2020 01:00:52 +0000 Since eating food is a daily routine, people have wondered and asked, "Can COVID-19 be transferred to humans through food"? So, can COVID-19 be spread through food?

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Can COVID-19 Be Spread Through Food?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us in several ways, including how we deal with food—how we purchase and cook them. Instead of the usual eating out at a restaurant, people have started opting for takeout, drive-thru or delivery for less exposure to people. Since eating food is a daily routine, people have wondered and asked, “Can COVID-19 be transferred to humans through food”? So, can COVID-19 be spread through food?

In the first half of 2020, food order and grocery delivery apps have become even a bigger business, globally. Lock downs or quarantine, fear of being infected of the disease and practice of social distancing are the main reason why.

According to, Instacart, a grocery delivery and pick-up service in the United States and Canada, their app recorded 218% increase in number of downloads from February to March. This is the same for food delivery apps. According to Forbes, Uber Eats in the U.S. registered at least 30% increase in user sign ups in March. And you can’t blame people, getting food online is the safest way.

Does COVID-19 linger on food or its packaging?

The COVID-19 is a new disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. The virus is passed from human to human through respiratory droplets when someone sneezes, talks or coughs. It’s why it’s best to wear a mask whenever outside the house. Further spread of the virus is highly among close contact, especially among family members and co-workers. As of this writing, there is no evidence that the virus can be passed on through food or its packaging. Like other viruses, they need a host like a human or animal in order to survive. Though they can, coronaviruses survive poorly in surfaces—just a few hours in surfaces like food products or food packaging. Even though that is the case, sanitize tables, counters and other surfaces that may be infected with the coronavirus.

You might also like: Coronavirus and Safety in Food Establishments

After handling groceries or food, wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. A hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol will do if no access to soap and water. Disinfect also the reusable bag you carry to the grocery store. Strictly follow health and hygiene requirements.

Are we totally safe?

Although there hasn’t been a documented case of spread of COVID-19 through food or food packaging, practice the necessary measures. Remember, like the name suggest, COVID-19 or coronavirus is a newly discovered coronavirus. And everything about it hasn’t been fully understood yet. Understand anything there is about the virus to prevent further spread of the virus.

Follow the government’s advice. Stay at home as much as possible. Cancel all appointments or travels if they’re not important. Keep a safe distance and practice social or physical distancing. When outside, stay at least 6 feet away from other people. Main mode of transmission of the virus is through droplets.Wear a mask when outside. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Bring an alcohol-based sanitizer when outside.

Follow the safety guidelines provided by the World Health Organization. As of this writing, WHO have already recorded 21 million cases, 700 thousand deaths and 14 million recoveries. Check out Worldometer for the live update.

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Foods To Eat During The COVID-19 Outbreak Mon, 20 Jul 2020 10:24:34 +0000 Even if the foods that must be in anyone's list are harder to come by these days, there are still ways to keep yourself healthy amid the pandemic.

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Food To Eat During The COVID-19 Outbreak

People now look for healthier alternatives like fruits and vegetables to foods they’re accustomed to specially that every so often the food service industry is limited to take-out and drive-through. What are the foods to eat during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Due to limited activity across the globe to prevent further spread of the COVID-19, the supply chain for fresh fruits and vegetables is suffering heavily. These are perishables but limited transportation and closed markets, have kept these items from being delivered timely. Despite this, the demand for these perishable products are soaring as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the global population.

Even if the foods that must be in anyone’s list are harder to come by these days, there are still ways to keep yourself healthy amid the pandemic.  

How is coronavirus (COVID-19) transmitted from person to person?

The main mode of transmission of COVID-19 is through droplets. These are passed from an infected person through sneezing, coughing or even breathing. Though it hasn’t been fully proven yet, the virus is now believed to be airborne, something that is even scarier.

When a person gets infected, the virus replicates itself inside the body and attacks the healthy cells. Depending on how your immune system reacts, one can experience symptoms as early as 2 days to 14 days. Usual symptoms include cough, body pain, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, shortness of breath and fever.

The main cause of death among COVID-19 patient is respiratory failure. COVID-19 can infect anyone regardless of age. However, the mortality rate is very high among the young and old. Individuals with certain medical conditions like heart and lung diseases and with weak immune system are more susceptible.

Patients with a strong immune system can easily recover from the virus without exhibiting symptoms (asymptomatic). But this doesn’t mean they may remain carefree as they may be infecting the others unknowingly.

A healthy lifestyle is the main key to fighting COVID-19—stay active, sleep well and maintain a healthy diet.

What are the foods to eat during the COVID-19 outbreak? Here are some tips to get you through these trying times.

Refrain from eating out (for now at least)

In the first few months, the food service industry only allowed drive-through, delivery, take-out, and curb-side pick up. Other measures were also implemented to prevent further spread of the virus. Now that the industry is almost back to normal (with guidelines, of course), it’s tempting to dine-in. But it’s not totally safe yet, at least for the next 12 months, according to most experts.

But it’s better to order your food to-go to prevent inevitable crowded areas like your favorite nearby restaurant. Yes, they got safety measures like social distancing and a hand sanitizer by the door, but what are the odds?

Have you recently opened your restaurant? Check out what you can do to keep youself, your staff and customers safe: Coronavirus and Safety in Food Establishments

Or grab your phone and order your food online, without going outside. Since the outbreak, third-party order apps have been increasing in numbers.

Or better yet, shop every food items you need and prepare them at home, the safest way possible.

Foods to eat during the COVID-19 outbreak

When choosing food, you want to go for a variety of fresh and unprocessed foods every day. You want to make sure to obtain the essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and antioxidants.

If fresh produce is hard to find, it is advised to buy healthy canned or dried goods. Dried food like beans, pulses, lentils and grains are easy to find. Canned seafood in oil like sardines and mackerel are good choices for proteins and they’re rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

If possible, purchase food that can be frozen for future use like fruits and vegetables. If prepared well, most fruits and vegetables can be frozen up to 3 months. You may blanch your vegetables first to slow down enzyme activity, which causes the vegetables to lose nutrients, the color and texture.

Highly processed foods are everywhere. If there no other options, limit the purchase as these are high in saturated fat, salt and sugars.  Home cooking is always better. Aside from saving more money, you get to know the quality of every ingredient in your dish.

Instead of animal fat, butter or lard, get the fat and oil in fish, nuts, olive oil, sunflower and corn oil. Saturated fat help reduce blood cholesterol level and prevent heart-related diseases.

Snacks? Instead of sugary treats like chocolates, eat fruits to cut down on sugar intake. If you love snacking on something salty like chips, try nutrient-dense nuts like almonds. They’re naturally high in protein and fiber.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day

Water transports all the nutrients and compounds you intake, cleanse your body and regulate your body temperature. Drink least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Staying hydrated helps the body function well. Drinking water helps in faster recovery from common cold and flu.

Making juice from fresh fruits or vegetables is a good alternative. Choose water-rich fruits and vegetables. They’re excellent for juices and smoothies. Watermelon, strawberries, pineapple, oranges, kale, spinach and cucumber are popular choices.

Keeping ourselves healthy at all times is very important especially that the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of us. Stay active, exercise, sleep well and maintain a healthy diet.

Want more information about the COVID-19 pandemic? Visit the World Health Organization website.

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Coronavirus and Safety in Food Establishments Wed, 13 May 2020 06:10:45 +0000 As part of the food industry, it is a must for someone to be responsible with or without the threat of coronavirus disease. If your food establishment has recently opened, you should work on these safety tips:

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Coronavirus and Safety in Food Establishments

Several countries have already lifted off lockdowns and community quarantines. This is in spite of the fact that the coronavirus disease COVID-19 has not seen its end yet.  In countries like the Philippines, Spain, South Korea, Germany and New Zealand, their governments have started imposing lighter restriction— due either to ‘curve flattening’ or in order to save businesses and the economy. As part of the food industry, it is a must for someone to be responsible with or without the threat of coronavirus disease. If your food establishment has recently resumed operation, you should implement these:

Signs to spread awareness of COVID-19

Signs or graphics must be posted at your establishment to ensure all working staff and customers are aware. They may be about social distancing, use of sanitizers, proper hand washing or wearing of mask at all times. Place them somewhere that’s easy to locate.

Hand washing and hand wash stations

If you are the owner of the food establishment, remind your employees about proper handwashing and how effective it is in combating harmful microorganisms including coronaviruses. Here’s the proper way to wash hands:

Proper hand washing

  • Wet hands with cleaning running water
  • Lathe hands with soap. Lather also between your fingers, under the nails and the backs of the hands. You may also use alcohol-based sanitizer that is last least 60% alcohol
  • Scrub your hands for least 20 seconds. Singing the Happy Birthday songs twice helps
  • Rinse hands under running water
  • Dry hands with towel or air dry

Make sure hand wash station is well-stocked of soap and sanitizer (hands-free), paper towel and trash bins (hands-free). I suggest upgrading to totally hands-free hand wash station (from faucet to toilet bins) to prevent people from having direct contact to hand washer surfaces as it is one source of contamination.

Informative signs must also be located in every hand washing area. Ones with graphics are eye-catching.

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Promote social distancing

Yup! The pandemic is still here so your food establishment must still practice social distancing at all times. Apply something that will prevent people from getting too close to each other. You may put tapes on the floor (at least 6 feet in between or 6 foot-distance rule) at the queue area.  Put up signs on the wall to make sure all persons are well- aware (customers and workers). Some establishments have placed partitions too.

There must be restriction to the number of people in rather smaller rooms like kitchen and office to comply with the 6 foot-distance rule.

Food establishments must still limit operations. Services like buffets and salad bars that need customers to use common utensils are still not recommended.

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Promote food hygiene

Every after use, equipment like food preparation utensils and food contact surfaces like knives and cutting boards must be washed, cleaned and sanitized.

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Disinfectants must always be easily located. Use them to disinfect surfaces that are repeatedly touched like door knobs and checkout counters. Encourage all staff to clean these surfaces and other areas more frequently.

Encourage customers and visitors to use sanitizers.

Food deliveries

Food deliveries are more common today and in high demand. Although there is no proof that coronavirus can be transmitted through food packaging or how long viruses survive in specific surfaces according to Food Standards, it is still better to not take any risk.

Implement no contact delivery instead of ringing bells or knocking on doors and have the foods change hands directly. The delivery man may simply leave the order on the doorstep or at another safe place and notify the customer that the order is ready for him or her to collect.

Companies have started opting for cashless payment like paying via credit card via online paying services like Paymaya and Paypal. There are third-party delivery apps with integrated cashless payment method available that you can use.

Although some industries have already been given green light to continue their operation, the fight against the pandemic COVID-19 isn’t over yet. These tips in this post, should be able to help you prevent further spread of the deadly novel coronavirus.

As of this writing, the pandemic has already reached 4.2 million cases around the world.Visit the website of World Health Organization (WHO) to keep yourself abreast of updates on COVID-19.

The post Coronavirus and Safety in Food Establishments appeared first on The Food Untold.

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