Yogurt is a popular and extensively consumed dairy product recognized for its numerous health advantages, including probiotics that aid digestion. However, yogurt, like any perishable food item, can reach its expiration date, leaving consumers concerned about the risks of consuming old yogurt.
While we understand your concerns regarding expired food, it’s important to clarify that the “best by” date on yogurt packaging is intended to provide guidance on optimal freshness and quality. It does not necessarily mean that the yogurt becomes immediately toxic or unsafe to consume once the expiration date has passed. It’s worth noting that many food products in the market feature labels such as “Use-By,” “Best if Used By,” or “Sell-By,”. These are related to food quality rather than food safety. These dates indicate the recommended timeframe for consuming the product while it is at its peak quality. If you would like further information on this topic, I have previously addressed it in an earlier blog post, which you can read here.
Now back to the question. How long after eating expired yogurt before you get sick?
Well, according to FoodSafety.gov, yogurt should be consumed within 1 to 2 weeks from the date of purchase if refrigerated, and 1 to 2 months if frozen. Again the concern here is freshness and quality. When yogurt reaches its expiration date, the manufacturer no longer guarantees its freshness, quality, or taste. Consuming yogurt after its expiration date may provide various health hazards, albeit the severity of these risks varies. And there is no exact timeframe for how long it takes to get sick after eating expired yogurt, as it can vary depending on several factors. But in most cases, eating expired yogurt will cause no harm, provided that the dairy product has been properly stored (unopened and refrigerated or frozen).
As yogurt ages, the probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria, continue to ferment it. If the yogurt has passed its expiration date, you may notice a more pronounced sourness and acidity compared to its usual taste. This increased acidity is due to the production of additional lactic acid during the fermentation process. Although it might appear that the yogurt has gone bad, this is not the case. Expired yogurt, as long as it remains uncontaminated, will not cause any harm. This implies that only the live bacteria cultures intentionally added during the fermentation process are present.
The primary probiotic bacteria commonly found in yogurt cultures are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These strains are responsible for the fermentation and transformation of milk into yogurt, contributing to its unique flavor and texture. While the taste and acidity of expired yogurt may differ, it can still be safely consumed as long as no external contaminants are present.
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But what if the yogurt has been contaminated with harmful bacteria?
Harmful bacteria called pathogens can contaminate yogurt and cause foodborne diseases in ingested. Symptoms of foodborne infections include minor stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever.
It’s important to note that consuming contaminated yogurt does not automatically guarantee that you will fall ill immediately. The onset and severity of symptoms can be affected by factors such as the level of spoiling and a person’s vulnerability to foodborne pathogens. Young children, persons with weakened immunity, and older people are more susceptible to food poisoning.
It’s essential to store yogurt correctly to reduce any possible risks. Make sure to put it in the fridge as soon as you as you purchase it. Yogurt should be appropriately stored at refrigerated temperatures to guarantee the viability of the bacterial cultures. Store yogurt in the refrigerator at or below 40°F (4°C). Keep it tightly sealed to prevent cross-contamination and maintain its freshness. Once opened, consume the yogurt within the recommended timeframe specified on the packaging. Yogurt’s live bacterial count can be reduced by heat, prolonged air exposure, and extended storage times. Hence, yogurt should be used before the expiration date.
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But if you did not consume the yogurt timely, you can observe signs of spoilage. It is best to discard yogurt if there is mold growth, unusual color, off-putting odor, or curdling. Visually inspect yogurt for any visible signs of spoilage even if the yogurt hasn’t reached its expiration date. When in doubt, throw it.