Freeze-Dried Versus Dehydrated: What’s The Difference?

Freeze-Dried Versus Dehydrated: What’s The Difference?

Food preservation methods have come a long way from traditional techniques such as salting and sun-drying. In today’s world, where convenience and nutrition are key factors for consumers, two contemporary methods are often compared: freeze-drying and dehydration. Both processes serve the essential purpose of extending the shelf life of food by removing a significant portion of its moisture content, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms and slows down food degradation

The Chemistry of Fats and Oils: Oxidation In Food

The Chemistry of Fats and Oils: Oxidation In Food

Oxidation, a fundamental chemical process, instigates significant changes in fats and oils. This reaction entails the relinquishment of electrons, triggering a cascade of transformations. When fats and oils come into contact with the oxygen present in the air, they become susceptible to oxidation. While the effects of this process might not be immediately apparent, its gradual occurrence can profoundly influence the quality of food.