Freeze-Dried Versus Dehydrated: What’s The Difference?

Freeze-Dried Versus Dehydrated: What’s The Difference?

Food preservation methods have come a long way from traditional techniques such as salting and sun-drying. In today’s world, where convenience and nutrition are key factors for consumers, two contemporary methods are often compared: freeze-drying and dehydration. Both processes serve the essential purpose of extending the shelf life of food by removing a significant portion of its moisture content, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms and slows down food degradation

Why One-Day-Old Rice Should Be Used For Fried Rice

Why One-Day-Old Rice Should Be Used For Fried Rice

When the cooked rice is refrigerated, the starch molecules gradually undergo a reformation process called retrogradation. In food chemistry, retrogradation refers to the phenomenon in which starch returns or reverts to a crystalline structure as it cools down. The result of retrogradation is the formation of resistant starch. This is the same reason why bread in the refrigerator hardens over time.

White And Brown Eggs: What’s The Difference?

White and brown egg

When it comes to eggs, there’s often a debate about which is better: brown or white eggs. Many believe that brown eggs are superior, associating them with naturalness and enhanced nutrition. This has been reported in various studies. However, let’s unravel the truth: there is no significant nutritional difference between brown and white eggs. Contrary to popular belief, most research indicates that there is no correlation between eggshell color and the nutritional composition of the egg.