The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us in several ways, including how we deal with food—how we purchase and cook them. Instead of the usual eating out at a restaurant, people have started opting for takeout, drive-thru or delivery for less exposure to people. Since eating food is a daily routine, people have wondered and asked, “Can COVID-19 be transferred to humans through food”? So, can COVID-19 be spread through food?
In the first half of 2020, food order and grocery delivery apps have become even a bigger business, globally. Lock downs or quarantine, fear of being infected of the disease and practice of social distancing are the main reason why.
According to Statistica.com, Instacart, a grocery delivery and pick-up service in the United States and Canada, their app recorded 218% increase in number of downloads from February to March. This is the same for food delivery apps. According to Forbes, Uber Eats in the U.S. registered at least 30% increase in user sign ups in March. And you can’t blame people, getting food online is the safest way.
Does COVID-19 linger on food or its packaging?
The COVID-19 is a new disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. The virus is passed from human to human through respiratory droplets when someone sneezes, talks or coughs. It’s why it’s best to wear a mask whenever outside the house. Further spread of the virus is highly among close contact, especially among family members and co-workers. As of this writing, there is no evidence that the virus can be passed on through food or its packaging. Like other viruses, they need a host like a human or animal in order to survive. Though they can, coronaviruses survive poorly in surfaces—just a few hours in surfaces like food products or food packaging. Even though that is the case, sanitize tables, counters and other surfaces that may be infected with the coronavirus.
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After handling groceries or food, wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. A hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol will do if no access to soap and water. Disinfect also the reusable bag you carry to the grocery store. Strictly follow health and hygiene requirements.
Are we totally safe?
Although there hasn’t been a documented case of spread of COVID-19 through food or food packaging, practice the necessary measures. Remember, like the name suggest, COVID-19 or coronavirus is a newly discovered coronavirus. And everything about it hasn’t been fully understood yet. Understand anything there is about the virus to prevent further spread of the virus.
Follow the government’s advice. Stay at home as much as possible. Cancel all appointments or travels if they’re not important. Keep a safe distance and practice social or physical distancing. When outside, stay at least 6 feet away from other people. Main mode of transmission of the virus is through droplets.Wear a mask when outside. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Bring an alcohol-based sanitizer when outside.
Follow the safety guidelines provided by the World Health Organization. As of this writing, WHO have already recorded 21 million cases, 700 thousand deaths and 14 million recoveries. Check out Worldometer for the live update.