Why are there fruits that continue to ripen after harvest? The answer lies behind a little science.
What Are The Types Of Food Fraud?
Food items that can be altered in any way possible without the consumers’ suspicion are most susceptible to such fraudulent act in the food industry.
Can COVID-19 Be Spread Through Food?
Since eating food is a daily routine, people have wondered and asked, “Can COVID-19 be transferred to humans through food”? So, can COVID-19 be spread through food?
How Do Fruit Enzymes Tenderize Meat?
In preparing meat, the food is tenderized for easy cooking because the collagen in the meat makes it tough to digest. Collagen is the most abundant protein in meat. But tenderizing break down the meat fibers, making the meat easier
Sanitizing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Using Chlorine
Sanitizing fresh fruits and vegetables with chlorine is an easy task. But there are a few guidelines to follow to effectively eliminate the undesirable microorganisms.
Foods To Eat During The COVID-19 Outbreak
Even if the foods that must be in anyone’s list are harder to come by these days, there are still ways to keep yourself healthy amid the pandemic.
How To Make Moringa Powder?
The fresh leaves have seven times more amount of Vitamin C than oranges, four times the amount of Vitamin A than carrots, three times the amount of potassium than bananas and twice the amount of protein than milk.
Home Canning: How To Tell If Food Has Gone Bad?
People often wonder if the food has gone bad. In most cases, it is usually a result of poor processing, poor handling or poor storage conditions.
Factors That Affect Growth of Harmful Microorganisms
There are 6 factors that affect growth of harmful microorganisms: food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen and moisture.
Why Is It Time To Venture Into Moringa Business?
Moringa is known for its nutrient density. However, most countries don’t even know the existence of it. Is it time to venture into moringa business?