Food Science: Why Is Cheese Yellow?

Food Science: Why Is Cheese Yellow?

If cheese is primarily made from milk, which is white in color, why is cheese yellow, then? Well, most cheese, in general, is yellow because of natural pigments called carotenoids. The main providers of milk for cheese production are cows, and their diet typically consists of grass, hay, or silage. These feed sources contain carotenoids, specifically beta-carotene, which acts as a precursor to vitamin A and contributes to an orange-yellow hue in cheese.

Nitrogen Ice Cream: The Science and Common Questions

Nitrogen Ice cream

Nitrogen ice cream, often referred to as “cryogenic ice cream,” is a distinct type of frozen dessert that is made using liquid nitrogen. Conventional ice cream-making methods involve a slow freezing process. Nitrogen ice cream, on the other hand, is rapidly frozen at exceptionally low temperatures.

Liquid nitrogen has an ultra-low temperature, often reaching around -320°F (-196°C). When introduced to the ice cream mixture, the liquid nitrogen causes an instant freezing reaction.

Which Tea Variety Has the Least Amount Of Caffeine?

Which Tea Variety Has the Least Amount Of Caffeine?

White tea is the type of tea with the least level of caffeine. The immature leaves and buds of the tea plant, which have undergone less processing or oxidation, are used to make white tea. Because of this, it maintains a delicate flavor profile and typically has less caffeine than black, oolong, and green teas. While the precise amount of caffeine in white tea might vary depending on the variety and brewing technique, it is typically thought to be in the lower end of the range for traditional teas.

Chilling Wine In The Freezer: Is It Okay?

Wine glass

Wine is chilled first in the fridge or wine cooler to preserve its freshness, balance acidity, enhance aromatics, and provide a refreshing drinking experience. But what if you have unexpected guests or an impromptu celebration? Perhaps you may not have access to a refrigerator or a wine chiller. The freezer can serve as a practical alternative, as most households have a freezer readily available. Placing a bottle of wine in the freezer can quickly chill it in a matter of minutes compared to other methods that may take longer. But will it be just fine to chill wine in the freezer?

What Does Pasteurized Egg Mean?


Eggs are a popular ingredient in many recipes. However, you may have come across the term “pasteurized egg” and felt unsure about its meaning. Well, pasteurized eggs have emerged as a response to the need for reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses associated with raw or undercooked eggs. Since their introduction during the early 20th century, the pasteurization of eggs has evolved and become a widely practiced method to ensure safer consumption of eggs and egg products.