Here Is How Long Leftover Pizza Actually Lasts

Pizza leftovers are a common sight in homes, whether from ordering too much or purposefully reserving some for later. Well, we all have been there. Knowing how long it can be kept in the fridge before it becomes harmful to eat is crucial. Knowing how long leftover pizza will last not only prevents food waste, but also assures food safety. While some people may heat up leftover pizza and enjoy it without any reservations, it’s important to be aware of any potential health hazards associated with eating food that has been sitting about for a while.

So this article, we will discuss how long leftover pizza actually lasts, and the ways to properly story it.


In general, pizza can last in the refrigerator for three to four days, like most leftover foods. The longevity of leftover pizza depends on several factors. These include how the leftover pizza is stored, the ingredients used, and the overall quality of the pizza.

Pizza comes in a wide range of ingredients all around the world. The shelf life of pizza is strongly impacted by these ingredients. This is especially true if the pizza contain cheese, meat, seafood, and vegetables.

Soft cheeses, such as fresh mozzarella or ricotta, have a shorter shelf life than harder cheeses, such as aged cheddar or Parmesan. Soft cheeses can become watery or develop an odd flavor more rapidly, so it’s best to eat leftover pizza with soft cheeses within three days of making it. Harder cheeses can last longer and maintain their quality for a slightly extended period of time.

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Typically, pizzas are adorned with meat and seafood toppings like pepperoni, sausage, and chicken. These cooked meats and seafood is prone to spoilage and have a limited shelf life. Furthermore, vegetable toppings such as onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and mushrooms contribute freshness and flavor to the pizza. The longevity of leftover pizza with these toppings largely depends on the freshness of the vegetables used during preparation. If the vegetables were not at their peak freshness, it may shorten the pizza’s shelf life.

In order to ensure food safety, it is important to consume leftover pizza containing meat or seafood, along with perishable toppings like vegetables, within a span of three to four days. When assessing the pizza’s condition prior to consumption, it is crucial to trust your instincts and rely on your senses. Be vigilant for any indications of spoilage, such as an unusual smell or slimy texture. If there are any uncertainties about its safety or quality, it is better that you discard it.


Pizza leftovers should be stored in a certain way in order to maintain quality. The first step is to immediately put it in the refrigerator. Allowing pizza to sit at room temperature for an extended period of time may encourage bacterial development, increasing the risk of contracting a foodborne illness. To keep the pizza from being exposed to air and moisture, place it in an airtight container or gently cover it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

Another important factor to consider is the temperature of your refrigerator. It is crucial to set your fridge temperature below 40°F (4°C) in order to ensure the safety of perishable foods. This temperature effectively inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. If you desire to extend the pizza’s shelf life beyond four days, freezing is a recommended method. Freezing, when done correctly, can significantly prolong the pizza’s freshness for a period of two to three months. To freeze pizza, wrap individual slices or the entire pizza in plastic wrap, and then place it in the freezer. Alternatively, you can use an airtight container or freezer bag. Don’t forget to label the package with the date to easily track its freshness.

While frozen pizza has a long shelf life that can span several months, it is important to consider that its quality may diminish over time. The extended duration in the freezer increases the likelihood of developing freezer burn, which can negatively impact its taste and texture. For the optimal experience, it is advisable to consume frozen pizza within three months.

When you’re ready to eat the frozen pizza, it’s important to defrost it correctly. To achieve this, move the pizza to the refrigerator the night before you intend to consume it. This gradual thawing method helps preserve the pizza’s quality and minimizes the chance of bacterial growth. Once thawed, you have the option to reheat the pizza using an oven, microwave, or skillet, depending on your personal preference. But I suggest using an oven. Here is why.

Here Is How Long Leftover Pizza Actually Lasts
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