How Long Do Raisins Last?

Raisins are made by drying grapes, typically from specific varieties known as “raisin grapes.” The grapes are harvested when they reach their peak ripeness. After harvesting, they are cleaned and then set out in the sun to dry. Drying the grapes reduces their moisture, and their sugars become concentrated, making them highly shelf life stable.

With that having said, how long do raisins last?


Raisins are highly stable due to their low moisture content, natural preservatives, and careful drying process. The drying method used to create raisins significantly reduces their moisture content, typically containing only about 14 to 16% moisture, far lower than fresh grapes. This low moisture level prevents the growth of microorganisms like bacteria and molds, which are responsible for food spoilage.

Furthermore, raisins contain natural antioxidants, such as polyphenols and tannins, which act as preservatives, inhibiting oxidation and microbial growth. These factors, coupled with the controlled drying process and airtight packaging, contribute to the raisins’ stability.

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But this does not mean raisins can last forever. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), dried fruits, including raisins, should remain at their top quality for a substantial period of up to 6 months. This duration only applies to raisins in their sealed packages. The sealed package acts as a shield, keeping moisture and air at bay, thus preserving the raisins’ quality.

Once you’ve opened the package, you would want to tightly seal the dried grapes in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life for another 6 months. However, in most instances, opened raisins can maintain their flavor and texture for approximately 6 to 12 months. The time frame may vary based on factors like humidity and temperature, so keeping them well-sealed and in optimal storage conditions is essential.


When buying raisins, store them in their original packaging (a cardboard box or plastic container) until you’re ready to use them. The purpose of these containers is to keep the raisins dry and airtight. After that, keep the unopened raisins somewhere in a cool, dry place. A temperature between 45°F (7°C) to 55°F (13°C) is optimum. The packaging or storage container may become damp due to warmth and direct sunshine. This could result in mold growth.

Once the raisins have been opened, transfer them to an airtight container; a tight-sealing lid is best, but a resealable plastic bag should also work. Just be sure to eliminate as much air as possible. From this point, you have two options: you can store the raisins in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness, or you can store them in a cool, dry place, following the same conditions as you would with unopened raisins.

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Although raisins can be stored for several months to a year, their shelf life can be considerably reduced if not properly stored. If this is the case, look for signs of spoilage such as mold growth, off-odors, odd texture or consistency, and a bitter or sour taste. Fresh raisins are plump, slightly moist, and smell sweet and nutty. They have a rich, natural color, a pleasant flavor, and are easy to chew.

How Long Do Raisins Really Last?
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