how to tell if a mango is ripe

Mangoes are a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. However, it is important to choose mangoes that are ripe and ready to eat. Unripe mangoes can be tart and sour, while overripe mangoes can be mushy and bland. Fortunately, there are several signs that will tell if a mango is already ripe.


While the color of a mango can be a good indicator of ripeness, it is important to note that not all mango varieties turn the same color when ripe. For example, some varieties, such as the Tommy Atkins and Kent mangoes, will turn a deep golden yellow or orange when ripe, while others, such as the Ataulfo and Haden mangoes, may remain green even when fully ripe.

A good rule of thumb is to look for mangoes that have a vibrant and rich color, with a slight blush of red or pink on the cheeks. Avoid mangoes that are dull in color or have a lot of green patches, as these are likely not yet ripe.


Another important indicator of ripeness is the texture of the mango. Gently squeeze the fruit to assess its firmness. A ripe mango will yield slightly to pressure, but it should not be too soft or mushy. Avoid mangoes that are hard or rock-solid, as these are not yet ripe.

Additionally, the skin of a ripe mango may have a slight wrinkling or dimpling effect. This is perfectly normal and is simply a sign that the fruit is ripening.


A ripe mango will emit a sweet and fragrant smell from the stem end. This aroma is often described as a combination of tropical scents, such as pineapple or melon. If the mango lacks any scent or has an unpleasant odor, it is likely not yet ripe or may be overripe.


In addition to the above indicators, there are a few other factors that can help you determine the ripeness of a mango:

  • Weight: When choosing a mango, take into account its weight in relation to its size. A ripe mango should be heavy in weight. This means it’s full of juice and ready to be consumed. Mangoes that feel light, on the other hand, may be underripe or overripe.
  • Shape: A ripe mango will be plump and evenly shaped. Avoid mangoes that are misshapen or have any blemishes.
  • Stem: The stem should be firm and slightly protruding from the fruit. This indicates that the mango is at its peak ripeness and ready to be consumed. A soft or sunken stem, on the other hand, is a sign that the mango is overripe and may not taste as good.


If you purchase an unripe mango, there are a few things you can do to help it ripen.

Mangoes undergo natural ripening in response to the ethylene gas they generate. If you want to expedite the ripening of an unripe mango, you can speed up the process by enclosing it in a paper bag alongside an apple or banana, as these fruits also emit ethylene gas. Seal the top of the bag to contain the gas, and let it sit at room temperature for a day or two. Monitor the mango’s progress intermittently to determine when it reaches your desired level of ripeness.

An alternative approach is to position the mango in a warm location, like on a windowsill or close to a heat source. This will likewise accelerate the ripening procedure. Nevertheless, exercise caution to avoid exposing the mango to direct sunlight, as it may lead to excessive softening or spoilage.

Lastly, if you’re in a hurry, you can try microwaving the mango for a few seconds. This will soften it slightly and make it easier to cut and eat. However, be careful not to overdo it, as microwaving for too long can cause the mango to become mushy and unappetizing.

How to Tell If A Mango Is Already Ripe?
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